Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Sprite Sheet Pokemon

Fate does not want to hear

Sabrina's uncle , girlfriend my brother Xavier , has a small Cessna airplane.

He came to my idea a brilliant idea ...

Joanie will nose. She wants to marry me.

I'm going to fly a plane behind a large banner written "I love you Joan!"

In time, I'll tell Joanie to follow me outside Panini and when the plane passes, I confess my love.

I know, I'm a big romantic.

I went from the old uncle, his name was Albert. Xavier had warned me to speak very loudly because it was almost deaf.

When I parked in front of his farm, he came to greet me.

In my mind, I came up a name: "Professor Tournesol.

You know, this character in Tintin. Albert looked like him as two drops of water.

- Hello stranger, what brings you here? He asked in a tone very cordial.

- I am a friend of Sabrina.

- A Amish Sahara?

- No, a friend of Sabrina ...

- Yes, yes, you are in Canada.

Ok, this guy was really deaf.

- This is for information ...

He observed a strange look.

- You want some pickles??

- No, I want information! I shouted.

- Sorry, here we do not practice castration ...


- Aaaaaah! Information. Had to say earlier.

as I wanted to kill him.

- What can I do for you? He continued.

- Can you hang a banner on your plane?

- If I can snatch a Mongol on my truck??

( Sigh) ...

- NOT! Ac-cro-expensive one-of-ro ban it on vo-vi-a-be there!

He smiled.

- Aaaaaah! A banner for the pub! He finally said.

- Yes, in some ways! That's a girl.

- Hahaha! No thank you, at my age I do not play marbles.

He really unnerved me.

- No BALL GIRLS! Am I replied, annoyed.

He continued to laugh.

- How much does it cost to get to the city? I added.

He stopped laughing and looked at me strangely again a second time ...

- Really ... I do not play ball, "he repeated.

I exploded in a raging fury ...


He took angrily.

- Listen sir, it's not worth crying, I'm not deaf!

What the fucking fuck ??

The Albert?? It was stupid or what??

- Okay .. Ok .. Excuse me. We start again from scratch.

He finally smiling again.

- I want to write about the band, "I continued.

- Sorry ... There is no calves on the pan.


- Yes, yes, okay. But back to your banner, what would you write it?

I thought to strangle him but I restrained myself.

This is not in jail that I would find the woman of my life.

- I love you Joanie.

He looked surprised.

- But you are romantic, naughty! Me he said, pinching my cheek.

I left before he put my fist in the face after the agreed time and place and have paid 1200 bucks.

( this morning) ...

Joanie seemed sad. She took really hard breaking up with Jason.

The timing was perfect.

My prey was emotionally fragile. I had to take advantage.

I approached her and I offered to go take a break outside.

The morning was warm, the sun shone, it was 10:15.

Then a plane approached. I turned to Joanie.

- Look at the plane, it looks like he has a message!

She looked up to heaven, I knelt before her.

- How romantic! She shouted.

I watched the plane and just when I'm here to declare my love Joanie, I read the banner ...

"I love you Johnny!"

Joanie's eyes become heart-shaped.

- Johnny This is the luckiest man in the world! I'd kill to have such attention, "she said dreamily.

( Silence) ...



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