Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rasta Designs For Cakes

love Dad and child-TV ...

Fanny gave me 50.000 bucks I deposited in my account. The check

Fanny has gone well, I'm now a rich short term.

I do not know if I will use this money to Pogner Joanie, the future target of my fantasies. But One thing is certain, by then, all the money I earn will go to as a perfect man in the eyes of Joanie .

short, it is not made then ...

My sister Stephanie came to me without warning. When she entered, the state of my apartment was suddenly worried.

- How do you manage to live without a microwave?? She asked.

I shrugged.

- I do not know how I can live for short ... Sit down.

She still looked at my apartment.

- Seriously ... This is really BS, you, me "she said.

- I have a lot more money than I look.

She left laughing.

- Anyway ... It's pointless to have money if you show it to others!

I sighed a sigh, pointing to my bed, the only furniture in my apartment ...

- Sit down, "I repeated.

She would not ask her precious ass on my bed.

- I will not stay long ... Listen, Pat ... Daddy's dying.

was indeed the last of my worries.

- I have not seen dad for at least twenty-five years. I do do not give a fuck.

She looked at me sadly.

- Go and visit. You never know, his legacy will be interesting.

- How could he built a fortune? He lives in a psychiatric institute, Steph!

She moved towards the door.

- Do not come crying if he is rich and you do not find his will.

She left me.

Then I thought about it. She may be right.

So my father is a millionaire and that legacy is impressive.

Yes. It's probably a call of destiny. The call Last chance.

If dad can die quickly and leave me a huge fortune, Joanie will be more than happy!

With my father I would perhaps find the girl I want to cram the rest of my days.

I took my car and drove for two hours in the direction of the institute where he was interned for twenty-seven years.

At that time, Dad, Parisian living in Quebec since childhood, was an electrician who cherished a dream.

For fifteen years he had carefully written a philosophical novel with the title: The last temptation of Socrates.

Unable to find a publisher after the book finished, he placed all his money to print 10,000 copies of his book.

In one year, eighteen copies were sold.

My mother wasted no time. Seeing his material comfort threatened, she initiated divorce proceedings. To meet, six months later, with Vincent's homophobic, owner of a jewelry again traveling on the gold ...

Bankruptcy combined with the loss of my mother has completely made trip my father.

One evening he entered a television station with a huge ax in his hands.

He blows destroyed all the equipment he was on his way, shouting that everything was the fault of the TV, that his novel did not sell because the world does more thinking, that people had become morons, superficial and individualistic, that the population was brainwashed to always buy more useless stuff.

Fortunately, nobody was injured.

The last time I saw him was at twelve years he was live on television, an ax in his hands, trying to strip naked because he did more wear clothing manufactured by companies that exploit children.

The signal was cut off just when his dad retired underwear.

I asked to see my father, the guard asked his name.

- Patrick Duval, "I said.

- And your name?

- Duval Patrick Junior.

He made me wait in the lobby of the institute a good fifteen minutes, then the same guard and a nurse came to meet me.

- Mr. Duval? A nurse asked.

- Yes.

- I'm sorry to say Your father is very ill, is his heart. It is weakening day by day.

- Is it possible to see it?

She looked at the keeper a minute.

- Okay ... Anyway, it is more dangerous, he has more strength. It has a lot of weight in recent months, you might get a shock, "she said.

- I have not seen for twenty-seven years. I expect a shock.

The nurse seemed even more desolate.

- I understand. Please follow me.

The guard remained in the lobby, I followed the nurse until my father's room.

It was there, sleeping.

old, stunted and thin. Very thin.

It was more vigorous and portly man who was holding an ax on television.

I regret now that image of him.

An old weakling.

The nurse left us alone. I sat on a wooden chair near her head.

After a few minutes he opened his eyes and turned to me.

Pupils absent, the look off.

He smiled.

- Patrick, he painfully said.

I smiled to myself. He recognized me.

- My name is Patrick, he added.

Ok ... It does not recognize me at all.

- It's me, Dad. Junior.

- Yes ... Yes ... The child-TV.

Huh?? The child-


- No daddy, I, Junior!

- Child-TV spent long hours watching television, his mother being too busy reading magazines. Whole days. The child-TV wanted everything saw the ads if he was crying. The child-TV always wanted more, the child's appetite-TV had dug through the TV.

What the fucking fuck ??

He was in another world, I do not understand what he said.

Who is the child-TV??

- Listen dad, so I came here is to get info on your financial status.

- As we age, the child-TV has lost the true values, replaced by the superficial, he is influenced and blind child-TV mix love and comfort, it has poor cultural references, he loves him but wants to be loved by everyone, he lies and disguises himself to give the impression of being beautiful, child-TV takes its examples of TV, TV-child does not fill its own needs, the child-TV wants to be rich.

- You have a will, Dad?

- These are the multinationals who feed the TV a stupor, so that the child-TV is stupid, it should not perceive that he is manipulated, the child-TV believes in impossible dreams, victim vampires of all empires that suck money from the pockets of child-TV. It is pornography, profanity and violence banal, what are his references, he is looking for thrills, it's drinking or drug use, child-TV knows to communicate with the opposite sex, he invented the Internet, it no longer distinguish between reality and fiction, children's television-live in extreme consumption.

- Listen dad, I need to know if you got a lot of money, my future depends on it.

- Child-TV measures the value of a man by his financial status, the child prefers TV-learn about hair color Madonna on the state of the planet by his unconsciousness he destroys the world, the child-TV gives too much importance to himself, he is unable to cope, it needs logos, brands and companies to survive, the child knows-TV more love for others, the child is in love with tele- himself, the child-TV in the skull stuffed Posts individualistic, child-TV does worry him, he destroys love and replace it with money.

I came to the conclusion that my old brain was completely melted.

Obsessed with the child-TV. Probably a character from a television in his youth.

Poor Dad, there's no way to contact him, he is now senile.

This man can not have any money. I wasted my time, it is absurd to believe that old fool could get rich from his room in a psychiatric institute.

I took my father's hand one last time.

( Silence ) ...

- I know you're not proud of me, Dad, that's why I never came to see you. I am too ashamed of what I am. A restaurant server without money. I would have liked to be a great actor or a singer, but I'm a loser. I'm sorry, Dad, for having failed at everything, I'm not even able to find a wife and raise a family. I'm more pathetic than a reality.

I felt that my father's eyes turned, as if suddenly, he was present.

- Child-TV does not know his job, his wealth and status civilians are not important to his father, they are not real values. The child-TV is not a loser, it's the TV that makes him believe he is one.

He gently closed his eyes and began to snore.


My father is well and truly gone crazy.

* Photo:


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