Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why Does It Say Temp Visitor On My Ny License

Take your time relaxing

"Mom, it finiiiiii! !! " Looks like the little green man from Just for Laughs .

Yeah. The holidays are over. They made me do good.

I was a little tired of fatigue in recent months. You've probably noticed, the publication of my notes were becoming increasingly rare. At

strength to to consistently rejected by women, it ends up giving a blow to morality. I did not know if my quest for the perfect woman still had meaning.

Because, admittedly, from the time I try I came to the conclusion that a perfect woman, well ... Does not exist. Seven criteria

ten may be too much. I feel I do not give a fair chance for women to put their sticks in the wheels.

In fact, my list does that limit the number of females who want to meet me.

Aunt Simone, faithful reader of my blog, and I had a long discussion about it.

- You judge too fast women, you're too pressed, change your approach, take your time, me she said.

I shrugged.

- Why change?

- It broadens your horizons, it lets you see life from another angle.

Seriously, I understood nothing of what she told me.

Before leaving, she gave me a book on marital relations, entitled: " Time is on my side .

After reading it, everything was clear, I decided to change my approach.

I'll take the time to know the girl before the judge. Sometimes our vision of people changes when we take time to know them, which means that a girl who seems to lack a particular criterion can perhaps be developed.

So instead of jumping on the girl as I've been doing, I'll take the time to talk and listen. In the book, he said that it shows independence. And independence, women love it very much.

But I should not take too long, anyway. You know, I have less than four months before the end of my pact. If I have no women to marry at the age of 40 years, I'll become a priest .

26 November 2010.

Anyway ...

All that to say that during my vacation, I met a woman. Internet.

I know, I know, since I raped I vowed never to attend to women via the web. But if you had seen the girl, you'd also managed to overcome any phobia.

A Thai of Thailand was born in Quebec ...

A beautiful girl, I used to frequent. Maya. 29.

When I saw him for the first time, by instinct, I tried to calculate its criteria on my list.

Then ... I found myself con.

I had to go further than my standards, I had to take my time and know that person before the judge.

We went for a drink, just to talk and break the ice.

She and I talked about our families, our work, our ex, our passions, our hobbies. It was cool.

more I listened, the more I wanted to kiss her and I wanted to kiss it, the less I listened ...

So at some point, I realized I did not even know what she was talking about, all I saw was ... Doggy Style .

I got up to go to the bathroom. I had to put water in the face and regain my senses. Gender was telling me mad.

I looked in the mirror.

- Why change? I told myself.

Then, a phrase book Time Is On My Side appeared in my head: "A man who is too quick reconciliations in love shows a lack of confidence."

The problem was not lack of trust but rather an excessive libido. But who knows? Perhaps women perceive this as a lack of confidence.

I talked to my penis, I told him said that it was not he who controlled the situation. Now, the watchword was: Patience.

When I returned, I did not look well.

- okay? Requested Maya.

- Excuse me. I think it's hot here, we go there?

I could not stay. Everything I wanted to do was jump on him to snatch his clothes.

As I am in the midst of change, I did not want to risk returning to my basic instincts.

I was accompanying her directly at her.

- I spent a wonderful evening, "she said.

I knew it was a sentence inviting me to take action, but I restrained myself saying: "Take your time, Pat. Take your time."

- I wish we meet again, "she added.

- Yes ... Uh ... I'm very busy these days.

She did an air which said: "What the fuck ? "

- Ok .. So call me when you're free.

I nodded yes and I filed without even trying to kiss her.

I was proud of me. For once, I took the time to look beyond my list of criteria. I acted like a man.

So I waited four weeks before the recall.

But she beat me. After twenty-eight days without news, she wrote me an email asking me if I would accompany him to see a show of comedy. She had won two tickets.

I said ok.

We met at the theater, we went inside, we watched the show and then I was her home. Always

without kissing.

I really impressed by myself. I had become a serious man, a man who acted more like a teenager, but as a normal person.

Maya had to find me perfect. A man who shows no feelings is a real man. It proves he has his feet firmly on the ground that it is not a crazy head.

Why change?

Just to become more mature.

I waited another week before the recall.

Again, she beat me to it. After seven days of silence, she wrote me another email to ask if I wanted to have dinner with her.

I said ok.

the restaurant, she looked stressed.

- You know, Pat ... I would not mind to ... Be more often ... If you have time, of course.

I nodded.

- Three times in five weeks, I find it not bad, I replied.

I was to demonstrate the display of my independence. This girl was definitely want me up.

- Yes, but ... It's just me, I ... How to tell? I am looking for something more serious.

I immediately knew she was trying to trap me.

was obvious.

She wanted to see if I was truly independent. She was trying to impose on me an ultimatum to take control of our couple.

I had to resist the temptation to kiss her and tell her that I wanted to see her every day. I had to.

The future of my relationship with Maya depended on it.

- Listening Maya, you are very beautiful, interesting and intelligent but I'm in no hurry. I am an independent man.

- Yes ... I see it.

Hahaha! I had no doubt, this girl was in love with me.

My independence was probably sparked a fountain in her underwear.

And I'm not talking about urine.

After the restaurant, I was her home without kissing her.

The book I read was right. In love, must take his time. Maya would probably be my future wife.

I waited two weeks before the recall.

This time, it does not beat me.

I had decided that the big day arrived, Maya had waited long enough, she was entitled to his sweet, that is to say me.

When she answered her cell, she seemed surprised to hear me.

- Hi Maya! It tells you to go have a drink tonight?

- Uh ... I do not know how to tell you this, Pat, but ... I now have a boyfriend.

She hung up.

( Silence) ...

At the beginning of the text, I told you that my vacation did me well.

is true.

The failure of Maya showed me something.

Even if I change, the result is the same.

So ...

Why change?

* Photo:


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