Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nonprofit Office Space Tax Deductible

's disease

I decided I want to Joanie marry. discussion with my mother convinced me and, especially, the diagnosis of my doctor.

I know, I know ... I live with Joanie forced to suffer seeing regularly without being able to touch for the rest of my days, beautiful sister Crystal .

malheuseument I'll have to give up because in an old fantasy wife Joan, my chances with her sister to destroy completely.

But that's become a priest or .

I'm ready.

Ready to destroy the relationship between Jason and Joanie . Ready to fight the enemy to acquire what must be mine.

Joannie's heart.

The ideal end to my blog for the story I told you from the beginning.

You know, like me, I can not finish a bachelor. Things must end well, that's how in Hollywood.

When you work hard and you have a specific goal, there is always rewarded.

is the law of life. Worse

the doctor confirmed to me that law .

I introduced myself to the doctor. After three hours of waiting ... waiting

I swear, there are people that clogs our health care system for nothing. Imagine, in the waiting room there was a lady who wanted to see the doctor to stop smoking.

See a doctor to stop smoking, tabarnak!

How can a doctor be useful for that?? On hand to give a kick in the ass to anyone who wants to stop smoking, I do not see.

Stop clogging the health care system for such fucking nonsense!

I sat in front of the doc.

I had an important question to ask. If I have to spend the rest of my life with Joanie, I must know what are all these bizarre symptoms I feel in his presence .

- Can someone be allergic, doctor?

He smiled.

- Of course not. You can be allergic to a perfume or clothing she wears, but not to proper person.

- I do not understand. I'm allergic to absolutely nothing, but in the presence of my friend Joanie, my hands get sweaty, my legs trembling, my heart pounding, I said.

The doc laughed even more.

- What you telling me, dear friend, this is not an allergy, was love.

Huh?? It was con

this doctor or what??

- Can this be love, I think Joanie less beautiful than her sister!

- Does the smell of your friend Joanie strangely takes you into a trance and stimulates your libido?

I goggled eyes.

- Yes, yes! Exactly! I'm sick?

- Sort of. You love sickness, "he said again.

I did not know what to think.

I found this doctor completely absurd while wondering how he could help people quit smoking.

( Silence) ...

I thought long and the sayings of the physician.

It is true that I am very comfortable with Joanie. Despite my symptoms, I feel very good when it is near me.

hard to believe that half of our relationship was now official by the fact that I was in love. Only remained to convince Joanie and we had a complete pair.

YES, YES! Was halfway done! I have never been so close to being a couple!

But ...

Crystal, the sister of the woman of my life ...

( Sigh) ... I

difficult to definitively put a cross on it.

Then there is the friend of Joanie.

task suddenly seemed difficult and complicated.

But I rubbed my hands rubbing together ...

Because you know me, I like challenges, especially when medical science is on my side.

Fuck Crystal, I have no time to wait, I still have three months to find a woman and fuck Jason, anyway it's too shabby for Joanie.

worse if the diagnosis of the disease doc is love, I will not fight against my fate.

I'll take the bull by the horn of the feet! In

Panini throughout the evening, I started to compliment compliments Joanie ...

"Wow, I love your eyes!"
"Wow, I love your lips!"
"Wow, I love your beads! "

But my passionate attacks did not seem to shake it.

I had to go further to impress him.

The next day I asked my young brother Xavier and two of his friends (and a pimply maganées teeth) if they wanted to make a hundred dollars each.

The three have told me yes without hesitation.

The plan was simple.

Joanie was leaving the restaurant to 22h by the rear door reserved for employees. Xavier and his two friends had to pretend to attack him for Joanie and I bite her bag, I just had to disembark from the car to fight against nicks thieves and save my future wife.

I parked my car in a dark corner of the park employees, about twenty meters from the door. The three teens were with me, to Xavier, the other two behind.

- You're sure it'll be alright? Requested Xavier, a little worried.

- Yes, yes, no danger. We pretend to fight and save you running the race. That's it. Joanie falls in love with me and we'll be a couple. The doctor knows whereof he speaks. The pimply young

left laughing.

- It's the hundred bucks most easily won in my entire life! He said.

- I think I'll become an actor! It pays worse Easy! A chuckle the other teeth crooked.

We stayed silent for a moment.

9:55 p.m..

- Ok, guys. Exit the car and go wait by the door, behind the small wall there. When Joanie goes out, you jump on it, I ordered.

Face buttons seemed perplexed.

- Yes, but ... how do you recognize?

I shrugged, looking through the rearview mirror.

- Do not worry, it will come out next, it ends at 22h.

- Yes, but ... of a sudden they attack the poor girl piped up curved teeth.

- They are right, how do you know if we attack well Joanie? Requested Xavier.

I began to lose patience.

- Your Yeul! This is the next will come out the worse it all! Come on, let's go , it will be out in two minutes!

Face buttons were still puzzled. Really, I wanted to shave his face at the con.

- Do you know at least the color of the clothes she wears? He asked.

- Or the color of her hair! Added fuckées teeth.

- Does she have a tattoo or a visible scar? Continued Xavier.

- A sketch something? A still applied across from volcanoes.

I freaked out. Really, these three young people were more hollow than Dalton !

- Tabarnak! Do you want your one hundred bucks?? Get off the tank and attack the next girl who goes out so I can finally get married! Am I yelled.

They seemed annoyed but still down from the car.

- No need to shout, bro ... We're pros, we just want to ensure that Work will be done well, "said Xavier before closing the door.

Pros, yeah! That's it!

Pros bullshit, rather!

The three fools, imitating awkwardly but earnestly ninjas, went behind the wall.

They were anything but discreet, I could hear them complaining to my car. They wore hoods and went head turns to watch the door Panini, seriously, they could not have looked more suspicious than that.

Joanie came out to 10:07 p.m..

As expected.

It was now time to inject a good dose of love sickness in the veins of my future wife.

I landed on my car and myself started running toward her at a time when the three young Cagoulards threw themselves on it.

She screamed.

I was at least six feet when the door opened noisily employees and Jason, his cook's uniform on his back, without waiting, rushed on youth.

I braked a jerk, stunned amazement.

( Sigh) ...

Teens ate a bad fly.

A real massacre. Jason has beaten to punch in the face and kick in the stomach without receiving a single blow. The young

with crooked teeth was literally straighten teeth.

They still managed to save themselves by race.

Meanwhile, I went back to hide in my car.

( Silence) ... Observing

stealthily through the windshield, I saw Joanie hug Jason. They have long embraced. I was so jealous

and furiously angry that I almost get out of the car to beat Jason myself ...

But I know I will not win that way.

Physically, this young snotty twenty years, whittled, is beyond my strength.

I have to fight with my assets. You know me, I'm crafty, intelligent and have access to a lot of cash.

I'll invest the $ 50,000 given to me by Fanny base for his conquest. Jason, this little shit cook, will not follow me with his salary of fourteen bucks an hour.

He won the first round, but not fighting.

Nobody can beat Patrick The Conqueror!

I'll do Joanie and me a happy couple.

is my mission before my forty years.

Even if it costs a fortune, I'll give him the love sickness.

( Looking skyward ) ...

I just hope that my disease is contagious.

* Photo:


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