Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sheldon Big Bang Folding Clothes

The love of a mother is priceless

My mother gave me a hot chocolate.

- You do not seem to go, Ti-wolf.

I sighed a sigh ...

- I do not know ... I destroyed by'm like inside.

She looked at me a moment with her impatiently.

- If you came to see me, tell me something. That speaks worse quickly, my emissions afternoon start in twenty minutes.

I shrugged.

- Lets make ... Anyway, I have no desire to talk.

- Stop acting like the spoiled child speaks worse!

Mom was right. If I was here because I wanted to talk to someone.

- I ... I know what to do. No woman wants me, Mom. I'm so desperate.

- It's not because you take care of you, Ti-wolf. Fitness a bit, played sports, stop smoking, going to the tanning salon. Women like men who look much worse you, well ... you're a little worse pretty lean're white as a sheet.

So, I wanted to beat her.

- I can not become a man sex is too long. I must be a man of money.

My mother looked at me a strange look strangely ...

- I do not understand ...

- I'll be forty years in three and a half months, I do not leave enough time to train and find a wife.

- What are you talking about, Ti-loup?? You will not die at forty! She listened

ever or what??

- I told you a thousand times that at forty I stop and get me a woman and I become a priest.

She callee in his chair, annoyed.

- Not Yet this story of a priest shit! The priests, that's not a penny!

- No problem. At least I'm more obsessed with women, I will devote my life to God.

She was angry.

- The only god that exists is in my wallet and my bank account! It's not praying that you get what you want in life, is in charge. The old

really starting to piss me off.

- Listen Mom, I have no fucking money, women want bad guys with cash. Do the math, I have no chance! God will become an alternative to women, I will focus on him instead to concentrate on vaginas.

I thought she was crying.

- But I do not understand Ti-wolf! You were so simple a boy raised. Of your three years until you leave the house, you listened eight to twelve hours of television every day, quietly. You did not have many friends and was often alone but to compensate for all that, I'll buy all the toys you wanted. I was paying you fashionable clothes each year, I dug a swimming pool for you and your sister, you had all the video games, a scooter, a car at sixteen, a beautiful leather coat, I have everything making everything easy for you either. Can you tell me why your life is so complicated now??

I knew not what to say in response ...

- I ... I feel like my job, my financial status and my vital statistics are crap. In fact, my life is crap.

Mom looked at his watch.

- Do you want me to do a check for two thousand bucks? You'll be able to shop, go to the movies and go dancing, it will cheer you up.

- No, Mom! You understand nothing, or what?? It's not money I want is not clothing, outings or dance! I do not know how to say ... I ... I need more. It's like a big lump in my stomach. I think I need ... someone?

She nodded.

- I know what you need! A trip! You want me to pay a trip to Mexico?

( Sigh) ...

I looked at my mother. I felt a funny feeling. As if I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

- I mixed in my head, Mom ... I feel that my values fall to pieces, everything is empty, everyone is just an image and that behind it is nothing.

She seemed worried.

- The real values are easy to target, Ti-loup ... Is better than your neighbors in everything and you felt a tremendous satisfaction. It is there, the key to a fulfilling life: Always be better than its neighbors. For that, you have to beat you, you must eliminate all those who want the same thing as you. Life is a jungle and the king is not the strongest but the richest and most to be rich you must exclude others from your path.

As a speech coach, I suddenly saw the light.


Yes, I had to fight.

Mom was right, I must rule out other of my way, there's only me that counts. If everyone had the intelligence to adopt this philosophy, the company will never look better. In

Panini, there's still one of my coworkers who I have not attempted reconciliation.

Joanie. The blonde


I have three and a half months to convince her to marry me.

Fuck Jason, I'll beat him and cut into pieces.

( Silence) ...

Nothing better than a loving mother to put her son on track fundamental values.

* Photo:


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