Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why Would A Neonate Need Antioxidants

Wild Camping

In Panini, there is a chief diver named Greg , 36.

Here, I speak lifeguard pool or scuba diving, no, I mean the head of dirty dishes dirt ...

In fact, Greg is the handyman the restaurant. He spent the morning Apire, it changes the bulbs burned, he fixes things that break in the kitchen, he even made lasagna on occasion.

A guy of many talents.

Anyway ...

He spent the summer at a campground. In a trailer he bought three years ago.

Friday night, he approached me.

- Duval ... I want to ask you if it tempts you to spend a night at my campsite.

What the fucking fuck ??

I found it odd. I mean, this guy, I never saw him outside the job, he was the shy and reserved kind. He did his work in silence and discretion.

- Uh ... Sorry. I'm more of a luxury hotel, camping, I find it too cheesy, I replied.

He blushed.

- Because ... I need your help.

I laughed. A handyman who needed help, I found it funny.


- What is happening, my Greg?

- There are two girls who have leased the land next to mine for the summer. I do not know how to break the ice. It's been six weeks since ...

- Six weeks too bad you do not even kissed one of the two?? I shouted, interrupting Greg.

It became even redder.

- Uh ... Basically, that's it ...

I felt sorry for Greg.

- It's true dude. You need help, 'I said, patting his shoulder.

I arrived at his trailer on Saturday night. He was trying to cook two steaks on the grill.

He handed me a beer.

- You're camping alone? I asked him.

- Yeah. But my friends often come to see me.

I doubted his words. I saw his record Facebook, it was only 18 friends two thirds of which were his family and another tier of TV stars.

The guy treated me like a king. He made me an excellent supper, he rolled joints and beer provided. The kind of friend that I have.

- So this girl? Have I asked curiously.

He named the nearby trailer with his chin.

- Both girls live in this trailer, they come back from the beach at seven o'clock every day.

I looked at my watch: 18.45 in the evening ...

- You're sure this is not lesbians homosexual? Have I asked cautiously.

- No, no, there is one of two who has a friend who often comes to visit, I saw them kissing.

Ok I trust the decision of Greg.

When the girls arrived, I should have guessed, they looked like two trucks drain in a bikini. At least passed the milestone of 35 years.

Horror! Old women!

I hate the women of my age.

Because ...

Oh no worse! I do not want to talk now.

So, the girl who was the heart of pinball Greg looked the third zombie that you see in the video Thriller Michael Jackson of .

I watched Greg disappointed.

- In any case, my Greg, you're not a gas difficult. That girl, she is definitely super easy to Pogner.

- Yes, but ... I do not know how to approach it.

( Sigh) ...

I could not let the poor Greg like that, I had to show him how.

- Listen Greg, I'll fix you up instantly, but takes notes. I will not always be there.

He took me in his arms to thank me, really he was desperate. More than me.

I got up and headed toward the trailer of the two monsters.

I passed the entrance to their field. I knew by their looks (in the nose piercing, tattoos in the lower back) that they were not accustomed to respect.

other words, they were the kind of girl with whom we do not put white gloves. In fact, it does no glove at all.

- Hi girls, I said in a tone charmer.

Both girls greeted me.

- Are you a lesbian?

They are watched with a sigh.

- were buddies, coronations us peace big cellar! Said the old hag who had a boyfriend.

- You're wasting your time here! Said another.

Really, for two ugly, they had character.

I pointed one that interested my friend.

- You, you got no boyfriend, absolutely. You're not beautiful enough.

She shrugged and said, 'Are you going to consecrate our patience tabarnak?! "

I clamped down to show them that I was the man here. This behavior always excites such women.

- Ok, stop your attitude or I crowned my camp for real! With the side you got, I do not think you can afford the luxury of getting shit guys interested in you. You're still more than thirty years, you're not very cool.

They remained frozen.

I continued, pointing to Greg on his land: "My friend over there, he unexpectedly finds you to his taste, but is too shy. Would you come and talk with him later tonight?"

Greg byebye quite a hand in the distance.

- Your friend is not my style, "she spat.

I started to laugh.

- Hahaha! You got a kind?? With your anatomy, your place, I'd settle first-come! You look like a BS, just tell me you got a kind! Hahaha!

- Go and shit, fucking cellar! Your friend looks like a fag!

She suddenly started laughing.

- Worse you too did you look like a fag, "she added. She

angry angry ...

- A real penis, it seems to me that you change your vibrator, fucking bitch! The other crazy

decided to intervene.

- Shut Yeul, fucking innocent!

I watched him from head to foot, full of disgust.

- I did not know that hippoppotames talking!

Both women were furious fury ...

- Will in or call the police!

I have watched the one that interested Greg.

- In any case, you just miss your destiny. I wanted you to serve, you make a gift of love, not cry if you end your life alone!

No, but you must admit, these two girls were crazy or what??

For once, my charm had not operated.

I could not understand how they had managed to resist me.

There was only one explanation that could explain everything ...

( Silence) ...

When I came back at Greg, he was excited to know.

- And then? It went well?

I made a long sigh.

- I had you said Greg ...

- What?

- These girls are lesbians.

* Photo: http://www.a440.fr/sitejoomla2/fr/info-pratique.html


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