Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What To Wear On And Ice Skating Date

all in the technique

I do not know what happens with Joanie .

Since her breakup with Jason , it is not the same. She stops talking, never wants to go out and let the hair grow legs, it's fucking disgusting.

But as I intend to do my Woman tried to attract his attention repeatedly, yet she always seems to be somewhere else, like a lunatic in the moon ...

I know, I know ... I'm not cellar, Joanie has a broken heart. But I have no time to wait, I must ask him to marry before 26 November. My birthday, the limit I set myself to find shoes in my foot.

Amen ...

short, Joanie was sitting alone in the room employees Panini when I entered. I finished my day, I took things into my locker and I was leaving when I said that as women love get attention, it would be a good idea to take the opportunity to chat discussion with her ...

After all, if I want to marry Joanie, it is necessary that I speak a little. A couple's life, it requires some sacrifices.

I sat before her at the table of employees.

- It's Jason who puts you in this state? I asked.

Her eyes suddenly became full of tears. What a crybaby!

I decided to use the technique Forrest Gump . It's a technique I invented to seduce women.

You know, Forrest Gump is naive, friendly and cute, his name makes you laugh, you can not refuse anything to this guy.

The trick is simply to pronounce his name as often as possible in conversation to put his image in the mind of the girl. In this way, unconsciously, the woman who speaks to you you will find more cute and you can not say no when you ask him to leave.

- Listen Joanie, your break with Jason, this is perhaps a sign of destiny. Should not you let yourself down, you're like Forrest Gump ! Run! Course towards freedom and new adventures!

She looked at me even more depressed.

- Getting to compare Forrest Gump, it's not really back morale.

WHAT? Yet it was the ultimate compliment!

That shocked me.

- Forrest Gump is a hero. Forrest Gump saved his unit in Vietnam, he shook hands with John F. Kennedy worse her mother is Sally Field, The Flying Nun! Come on, everybody wants to be compared to Forrest Gump .

- It's a movie, "she replied with a sigh.

- Forrest Gump is based on a true story!

- No.

- Yes!

- No, it's a character.

- J'te says it's true, it's like Rambo and Die Hard , they are true facts and make a movie! Crunches, you can not invent everything, Die Hard is too sick!

I got the impression that Joan looked at me like I was a moron, more or less light ...

- Never mind, "she whispered.

She suddenly fell back to the moon.

That shocked me even more.

- Stop worry do for a Thick as Jason! My mother always told me that life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what ...

- Shut up, Pat!

Really, his lack of respect for Forrest Gump beyond me. I was furious.

- You know what's your problem? You're not quite as Forrest Gump. You lock yourself in your little world in your head everything is gray is made worse than almost love it. All the people you take pity on you for attention, you want everyone to say: "poor Joanie, she's all sad sad." Crunches, build up a shell, look forward not backward, discipline your mind, do you think Forrest Gump could just dropped him??

- I'm just loving, fucking cellar!

- Fuck the pain of love! Move on!

- It's easy to say ...

- Jason has kidnapped your cat to steal money, he not deserve your pain! Look on the bright side as Forrest Gump! It's better that you know that Jason is a crossers today that in twenty years.

- Let me go with Forrest Gump , fucking!

We stayed silent for a moment.

I decided to attack the image of Forrest Gump in Joanie's head was beginning to do its job.

- Tomorrow I'll change. " I'll take you to the casino, I said.

- At the casino?

- Yeah, it'll be cool!

She sighed.

- Not ... I do not want.

She really annoyed me. For fifteen minutes I tried to cheer her up and she would not know.


- Go Joanie, we'll have fun.

- Another time, perhaps ...

- Come on, I'll pay, I have lots of money right now.

- It's not about money.

- Say yes, please ... Say yes!

She looked at me coldly.

- Stop Pat! I said it not tempt me!

But my speech Forrest Gump me pumped, I was ready to run for eternity.

Good ... Maybe not forever but at least until 26 November.

- I pay for dinner too!

She made a huge sigh.

- how do you get rid of you, tabarnak?

- Willingness to spend the night with me tomorrow.

- I said no! As she roared.

I exploded.


Jason, the former Joanie, a cook in Panini, entered the staff room at that time, we watched two seconds.

When Joanie was caught, she took a look of disgust after him. Jason said nothing, content to fix the floor.

I shrugged and then I got up to leave the place. Forrest Gump technology was crap.

Then, Joan said, very hard to hear that Jason: "It's okay for tomorrow, Pat, we'll go to dinner and casino. It'll make me change out with a gentleman."

I could not believe it! The technique works!

In addition, she called me a gentleman!

What return status! Joanie surely came to realize that I was the man of her life. Like that. Suddenly. Forrest Gump through !

Wow! And I hope not to end up single, a spark flashed through the heart of Joanie.

Finally, a happy destiny takes shape for me.

( Silence) ...

I just hope I'll stick more often than Forrest Gump.


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