Monday, September 20, 2010

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Today, video day! Want

Today, I did not report, I do not talk about my love life.

I'll tell you about Hitler .


For a brief moment on Youtube , there is a concept video where people have fun to caption a scene from the film The Fall (film about the downfall of Hitler ) where you see what a nasty sting last crisis to subordinates in yelling in German.

Of course, when you speak German, the concept is fucking flat. But if you do not understand German it becomes hilarious because the subtitles were not related to what Hitler actually said. There are videos where we see Hitler losing it to the exchange of Halak, another for the death of Michael Jackson , one because the Conservatives do not want to invest in a new Coliseum to Quebec brief ... Hitler condom every news story.

I it is peeing!

Do I have decided to do mine for me ...

In fact, I did a month ago. But I waited before sending.

Because my topic is delicate too bad I wanted to allow time for social anger to fall a bit before laughing.

There is a little over a month, a little girl uploaded a video on Youtube where we see her get rid of, without remorse, a litter of puppies by throwing them into a river (here ) .

Seriously, the video is disturbing. The gesture of the little girl is really cruel and painful to watch.

The video has toured the world, angry Internet users have traced early and was flooded with tens of thousands of death threats, ranging from "I'll strangle you" to "I'll squeak a shot for you brick crack head" through "I'm going to rape you and open up the belly."

( Silence) ...

get me wrong, I disagree with the gesture of the girl, quite the contrary. But I disagree with either all threats she received.

Certainly, it deserves a correction, but death?? By suffering more??

What the fucking fuck ??

I do not think that this girl is a maniac, a ruthless assassin or serial killer in the making.

I think it's a cultural issue, it comes from Croatia or Bosnia, I imagine that his father told him simply: "The dog has given birth yet, no money goes squealing puppies in the river quietly "worse she ran, as thousands of other Croats, because that's how every time the dog gives birth.

His biggest mistake was to put it on the Internet. The population has seen the gesture and sentenced without even knowing the context.

And the conviction is serious ... The death penalty, no less.

I think there is a strange paradox. People are outraged by the death of puppies want the head of the girl. I can not understand. It's like proclaiming ecologist worse to walk in Hummer.

If I were a judge, she spend a whole summer to work full time at an animal shelter so that she develops feelings towards them. After all, this is a kid with no history, we are not talking about a murderer in power. At worst, he was imprisoned in a center for youth.

But Kill? Come on!

So ... I go back to Hitler ... Why did you choose Hitler to talk about the girl?

Because I found the cartoon comedy. I found that Hitler , psychopath who killed millions of people, was the parallel Perfect for all these authors represent death threats against the small.

Happy viewing.

is my opinion.

Patrick Duval
Psychologists non-graduate


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