Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Linda Goodman's December 2010 Horsocope Signs

reach unattainable

I had a full evening to convince Joanie to forget her ex Jason and understand that I am the man for her.

I was ready for anything, I had to Joanie, I know that our children will be fine.

The evening was well planned planning:

1 - Romantic Dinner.
2 - Casino.

The first to make him believe that I have a sentimental side, the second to make him believe that I have a side full of cash.

is a perfect combo, Joanie can not resist me.

Anyway ...

lunch, my friend Taillefer has come for a ride home. We had a beer discussing the worse when he asked me was my search for the perfect woman.

I told him about Joanie, I was very close to my wife and do that tonight was going to buy her flowers, take her dinner, leave the casino and then try the embrace.

Taillefer went out laughing, I felt like the kick in the balls.

Nobody laughs Patrick Duval.

- You never pognes a girl that way. The secret is to show him she can not reach you, "he said.

- Huh??

- If you want a girl falls in love with you, you must not show her too much interest, in any case, my theory is my rule. Tonight, instead of trying cruiser Joanie entire evening, tell her you're interested in another woman.

I did not understand his logic.

- What the fucking fuck ?? Your rule is crap. It will ruin my chances of making the future wife of my children in the future!

- On the contrary! Tell him how you'd be with this other woman, affectionate, gentle, tender, loving, caring, nice and all synonyms of the word "love" that you can find. Automatically, it will become jealous, she'll imagine a man like you bad boom! She'll want, she will try to make you forget the other, to show that it is much better. People always want what is unattainable!

I smiled, Taillefer was a genius.

- Yeah, I think you're right, maybe because I too want a woman who keeps me find one.

- Me, I married Jennifer in this way. I took out with her to appear out of reach in the eyes of Edith Boisclair.

I thought about two seconds.

- Ok, but ... Your rule does not work, you're not married Edith Boisclair.

He looked at me like I was a moron.

- Precisely! I'm the exception to my rule!

Decidedly Taillefer was Einstein of feminine seduction. The rule was masterful unattainable.

I bought two tickets for dinner cruises AML .

With a cruise, I put all chances on my side. Girls trippent on such activities, I swear. What girl does not like the movie Titanic ? Huh?

It boosts their libido. In the spirit of Joanie, I was going to turn into Leonardo DiCaprio. With any luck, the boat would hit a pillar of the Jacques Cartier Bridge and falling somewhere between Montreal and Longueuil to allow me to save it.

We arrived at 18:45, the boat took off to 19h ...

A waiter dressed a sailor or a sailor dressed in server, I can not say, gave us a table right next to a window. The place was super romantic, there were even violin players who violated beautiful tunes ...

I ordered wine, we raised our glasses to the party.

- You know ... I must tell you. If I agreed to go out with you at the beginning was to make Jason jealous, but now I do not regret it. I think I'll spend a nice evening, me she said.

Hahaha! I could tell she was using the trick of Taillefer. This girl was crazy about me, telling me about Jason, she wanted to go out of reach. I saw before me a little clever.

I had to act.

- Me too, I must tell you something. If I invited you, it is to have your advice, "I said.

She seemed intrigued.

- Any advice? About what?

I took a look pitifully pitiful ...

- I'm in love ...

Joanie sighed and blushed of embarrassment, it was uncomfortable ...

- Listen, Pat ... I do not know what to tell ya ...

- Do you think she will want to know anything about me?

She hesitated a moment, not sure I understand.

- It?

- Yes, it ... What? You thought that I still have not talked to you! I said, laughing.

Joanie did not know where to look.

- Yes ... Not ... Excuse me, I thought ... Worse let them. Who is the chosen of your heart?

- Crystal.

She goggled eyes in his head ...

- My sister??

- Yes.

- You guts on my sister??

- You can not know. With it, I'd be so loving, kind, tender, loving, attentive, pleasant and all the synonyms of the word "love" that I can find.

She sat back and looked at me for a minute.

- Are you serious? Has she finally asked.

I felt that it bothered her. Taillefer was really right. He had now put the package to show me out of reach.

- I am serious. Together, we could go see galas control WWE at Bell Centre , spend our holidays in Val-d'Or and drinking beer on the balcony. It would be a dream life, I'm all for your sister is the only girl that I want very much.

Joanie has an air of disgust. Probably because she was starting to be jealous.

- Uh ... I do not think that my sister is the right kind of woman for you.

Hahaha! Really, the trick worked Taillefer, there was no doubt that Joanie was trying to depart from his sister out of jealousy. I decided to continue the game

- love overcomes the differences, "I breathed.

- Pat ... You know my sister. She enjoys socializing, it's a princess, she loves the opera, caviar and Porsche. You are incompatible.

- What is caviar??

- That's what I said, you're incompatible.

Suddenly, Joanie made me shit.

- It is not inconsistent simply because I know the definition of a word!

- Caviar is sturgeon eggs.

- What is a sturgeon?

- A fish!

- Crystal eats fish eggs! Disgusting!

- I told you, you're not meant to be together. Forget my sister, she loves careerists.

Fuuuck , Joanie put me more and more crunches.

- I have a career as a server! Am I yelled.

neighboring tables have turned to us, I am a little calmer.

- You do not understand, Pat. My sister is very difficult, she dreams of a handsome prince who takes in Monaco each year.

- I too can take him to Mexico!

The waiter came to take our orders, when he left I was still annoyed.

- In any case, I can not believe you think I am not a man for your sister.

- Anyway, there's another guy who is interested.

WHAT? I was in shock.

- Another guy?? You kidding me??

- Yes and it looks much like it. She admitted that she dreams of sailing with him, have children and share a romantic evening in front of a fireplace.

I was too jealous of this guy, damn lucky, he had hopes of destroying his celibacy.

- I kill him, give me his name!

Joanie started laughing.

- Even if you kill him, it does not mean that Crystal is going out with you. It will perhaps have to assassinate you a lot of guys before she turns to you.

- You piss me off, Jo!

It took an air of desolation sorry ...

- I'm sorry, Pat, but my sister ... She is out of reach.

I ate my dinner without saying a word, thinking about Crystal fucking with him, the desire gnawing inside me and pride destroyed.

Since I was in total silence, my wife ended the evening chatting with the bartender's worst boat fuck the casino, I had no desire to spend my future sister in law. My heart beat for Crystal since now 116 minutes.

( Silence) ...

Anyway, one thing is certain: the theory beyond the reach of Taillefer, it is not worth shit.

I have not felt it had an effect on Joanie.

But I do not care.

Because now I am Crystal.


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