Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Make A Table Leaf

The diary of a nymphomaniac

That last Tuesday was the first release on DVD of a film of Jess Franco produced by Robert De Nesle (excluding co-productions as DEMONS released in Germany) and has this great day Mondo Macabro . Finally! the time Franco De Nesle gets his due on the video market. Contrary to what was originally planned, this is not LORNA THE EXORCIST coming out of the vaults in the first, but the diary of a nymphomaniac (under the English title of SINNER: THE SECRET DIARY OF A Nymphomaniac ). The DVD LORNA is nicknamed "cursed out" given the numerous problems encountered with this title in addition to stories of copyrights for headlines De Nesle, which required several years of work to overcome.

For this film, MM have first received a copy pornographic version from Italy. What's more alarming when one considers the rarity of the title. Is it possible to trace a complete copy? We were in limbo for a while, but Pete Tombs completely reassured and, in turn, delighted his audience by announcing a full version of 99 minutes! Wow! It was a great day to learn this term because it is the longest version ever compiled to date! One wonders if the film was even presented with this time somewhere when it was released (probably, but never listed), the longest version of the video market doing in 84 minutes.

15 minutes more of this beautiful album! This continues my theory reel missing when released on video for films exceeding 90 minutes discussed here when I saw a 35mm print of THE MIRROR OBSCENE. With this LORNA , if we make the conversion period of 84 minutes PAL to NTSC with the addition of the scene censored dildo and adding a reel missing, it probably would happen to 99 minutes. Fantastic!

LORNA and SINNER were supposed to appear every two this week, but was repulsed LORNA again, "simply" a problem of encoding and nothing worse. Phew! The concern is repoint, haha! It has more than wait until January for a complete copy of LORNA I can not wait to discover, much to the additional scenes that visual quality and sound of it.

So back on the track which has just appeared and which swells the enthusiasm for the upcoming titles: Diary of a nymphomaniac ! Received this week, watched with great curiosity this weekend. First, the copy is great with some debris here and there, but still amazing with the film grain apparent (something I love) without becoming bulky. I was facing the same amazement felt at the screening of OBSCENE MIRROR 35mm. Obviously, for the VHS versions, the distributor was only worn to take copies string of cinemas, probably what De Nesle foisting since the distributor probably did not want to pay back the negative and the costs of a new copy and De Nesle was not going to make a new copy for the video market. Hypothesis held when we see the state of the film to VHS. Also, at a time, calibration changes (as in THE OBSCENE MIRROR in 35mm and VHS) to be darker, saving money for a cheaper film stock? Finally, in SINNER, it happens late, but THE MIRROR is early in the movie (Emma Cohen under discussion Dining out with Robert Woods ).

Montserrat Prous

After listening, I compared with the French that I had and there is no difference except for the opening scene that is totally there! And what opening scene! I thought how beautiful she was with the successful atmosphere setting the tone for what lies ahead. A scene very important when reviewing the film and who was probably too damaged to the copy used for the VHS with the title appearing before moving arbitrarily in the film. This film did not suffer Reel missing a good thing that can probably be explained because of the length less than 90 minutes (the film being just under 87 minutes )....

Anne Libert

Regarding the film itself, I just loved it. Until that great day I had never seen and find out in this version is fun. The film has a particular climate, and rather surprisingly heavy, accentuated by the music of Jean-Bernard Raiteux (aka Jean-Michel Lorgere ) who is brilliant and mesmerizing. There are some great dialogues and surprises here and there with a small role for Franco himself and Police Chief Howard Vernon in doctor who arrives later in the film, enough so that I forgot he was part of the film. He handles his own dubbing, which is even better. There are many memorable scenes including the opening scene captivating with little means or the scene of the fairground Ferris wheel, a transfer taking sick and disorientated. Wonderful!

Finally, a French major I have greatly appreciated more deeply! Discover the films of the era of Nesle with this level of quality is simply amazing, no longer believed that it would one day.

Howard Vernon

For supplements, we include an interview with Stephen Thrower (17m), speaking of French cinema in general, calling it as I see it beautifully, giving even more want to read his book to be published in 2011. There is also a second segment (10m) with Thrower discussing SINNER and of course the interview with Gerard Kikoïne, enthusiastic and friendly (15m). He shared anecdotes of his career as editor and sound editor image evokes memories of De Nesle and fixtures it was Franco films without ever having met the guy. It does not specify in what capacity he discusses each time, but it remains captivating atmosphere with friendly and good nature of any contagious Kikoïne. It completes the picture with a text by Pete Tombs on the film (interesting), short texts and biographies of the actors on a Raiteux (also interesting) and then ends with the soundtrack promo for Mondo Macabro.

I was wondering why Jess Franco is not interviewed for the film and the only case that comes to mind is that what is on the upcoming DVD of LORNA is material for his book Stephen Thrower (recent interview) and maybe he has not spoken much of this movie with Franco hence the irrelevance of an interview. Perhaps it evokes 2-3 sentences in the interview on the DVD in January or that this interview does evoke the time De Nesle in general. Hmmmm ... We'll know soon enough. Anyway, this SINNER is already full and we did not ask for much! I leave you with some images of this and other DVDs from the VHS for fans who have long seen this movie in this format with high quality ensuing .... [ Do not judge severely the quality of the DVD by these images, my program is to catch not what is best and that's saying something! ]


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