Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Long After Implantation Will I Have Symptons


Yes ... I had to blank out the word "END" of the last chapter.

Because something happened. Two days ago.

I was summoned to the courthouse.

It made me nervous nervous ...

I had no idea what to expect, I could not see what I had done wrong to be brought to justice. Anyway ...

A lady escorted me to a conference room where there was already four people seated around a large rectangular table Rectangular ...

right side of the table, there was a little old man in a gray suit. In the end, stood a little old man in a black robe. At left is a little old man in a wheelchair and a little old lady with a hat.

But what I had just cum here to this meeting where senility seemed to be common across the world??

The old gray suit stood up.

- Mr. Duval? He asked.

- Yes, that's me.

He appointed a chair beside him.

- Sit down, please.

I sat in front of the old hat.

- This is your spitting image, "she said.

I did not understand what she meant. But anyway, who really understands the little old? The ancestor

gray suit looked at me and spoke: "My name is William Dansereau, notary. We have summoned you today concerning the will of Aline Charbonneau. "

What the fucking fuck ??

- The Testament of Aline Charbonneau? But ... Who is Aline Charbonneau??

Everyone has watched incredulously except the little old lady who was watching me with a nice smile.

- You might get a shock, Mr. Duval, continued the notary.

- A shock??

- You are the heir of a small house St-Philibert-de- Gosford, a small village a half hour from Montreal, and a sum of 25,000 dollars.

Yes, I was in shock.

But who was this generous fairy of generosity??

- I do not understand ... Who is Aline Charbonneau?

The notary looked at the little old lady who always wore a soft smile.

She took my hand gently and appointed the old wheelchair sitting beside her. Her smile was somewhat erased.

- Aline is our daughter. Unfortunately, she died in a road accident last month.

The old stopped his speech to caress my face.

- It Incredibly, the little resembles you so much, she added.

I started to get impatient. Who is Aline Charbonneau brothel??

- I'm sorry ... I do not know your daughter.

- Yes, you know. There are almost one and a half, you had a relationship with her.

A good fifty faces have passed through my mind without putting that Aline. Then ...

Lightning hit my brain. A face appeared. I suddenly saw Aline Charbonneau in my head.

( Sigh) ...

is the big bitch who raped me in the alley to the "Evening destiny" . A bad memory that refuses to fade.

- You mean the big Aline his house and left me $ 25,000??

The undersigned has seemed ill at ease.

- Yes, well ... On one condition, "he said.

I knew was too good to be true.

The condition should be impossible.

I started to laugh.

- Hahaha! Ok ... What is the condition? I walk on Mars? I find bin Laden? I shaved the mane of a lion enraged wearing a dress steak??

Nobody laughed.

The old me again caressed her hand.

- You just need to take care of your little girl.

(Very long pause macabre. Yes, macabre ) ...

- My ... My daughter?

- It has your face, it's amazing, "said the old woman.

- My ... My daughter?

- Aline told us all about. You met at a party of bachelors, then you've slept together and then you left, "she continued.

- My ... My daughter?

- You could not know that Aline was pregnant when you dropped it. I do not blame you, love can not be commanded. My daughter was dying to have a child, she tried for fifteen years to get pregnant and you're the only one to be reached. Pregnancy at forty-four years is not clear, but the happiness of finally seeing his dream come true it has to pass through without complication. You are partly responsible for this happiness.

- My ... My daughter?

- Yes, your daughter. She is beautiful, she is now almost six months.

I have a little girl?? I HAVE

A LITTLE GIRL ????????

The notary continued: "As you are registered on the birth certificate early as the father, custody of the child you are entitled to. "

I was downcast.

It was too late to have a baby. In one week, I go with the monks.

- I'm sorry ... I ... I do not want children, I have other projects.

The face of the little old lady got really sad.

- Please, Mr. Duval, agree. My husband is in a wheelchair, I have trouble looking after him, I have no strength to raise a child. I do not want to see grow up in a small center, I implore you, take care of your child. I will help you my best!

I thought.

A house in a village, 25,000 dollars and a little girl. These are elements that can change a life, make me forget the women and get away a little more of the clergy.

- Where is the little girl, I asked.

- In an early childhood center. The DPJ it occupies, said the lawyer.

- I want to see.

Again, everyone has looked incredulous.
The old man
toga then spoke: "I am the Judge Dubreuil, Mr. Duval is me that will allow if you can have custody of your daughter or not. Why do you see? What does this change your decision? "

Slowly, I looked at everyone. I thought about lying, but I decided to tell the truth. To be honest

honesty ...

- This is my daughter ... I just want to see it as fast as possible.

The judge smiled. My answer was typed into the thousands. He turned to the lawyer.

- Mr. Dansereau, Mr. Duval will drive you to the center so he could finally see her daughter. You have an hour, said the judge.

- Thank you, your honor, honorary, "I started. J.

set me gravely: "When you return, Mr. Duval, I want to know your decision. "What


I felt like having a gun to his head.

notary and I headed toward the youth center in Mercedes this year.

Even paying the notary business, I regretted a moment of not having done studies in notoriety ...

We arrived in the lobby of the center. William Dansereau spoke a few seconds with an attendant and returned to me.

- They go after the baby, "he said.

After a few minutes the door opened and a lady arrived with my offspring in their arms.

I gasped.

... The little girl had a big smile, big brown eyes, brown hair small, it is true that she looked like me. A face brighter than a halo. Its tiny round cheeks gave urge to chew, to caress, to kiss them. It seemed so vulnerable, I wanted to protect, maintain his innocence, as his model, this girl was too cute, I was in love.

But not as in love with a woman, band draws. No, in love like a father. This love, the most powerful ever lived, broke something in me The fear to take my responsibilities. It's the magic of babies.

I took her in my arms, she grabbed his nose, I laughed.

She laughed too.

We had a connection.

Clearly, without a doubt, this girl was ...

The woman of my life.

( Silence) ...

After a few minutes and cons to heart, I gave my baby to the clerk.

I was still trembling. I had to live the most beautiful emotion of my whole life.

- So? Called the lawyer.

- I think I found the woman of my life. The notary

laughed. Me, I sniffed my hands still imbued with the smell of my child.

- You have to catch the virus commonly known as "daddy." I have two kids myself, the feeling is extraordinary.

He could not choose a better word.

- About ... What's his name to? This is stupid, with all that, I forgot to ask his name, did I questioned.

He laughed, somewhat embarrassed.

- You know, Aline loved the exotic stuff. If you do not like the name of the girl, you can take steps to change it.

- What's his name? Do I have asked impatiently.

He sighed.

- Miguita. Miguita Charbonneau.

* Photo:


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