Monday, November 1, 2010

How To Do A Fresh Tattoo

So close ... * Sigh *

I'll be honest with you franchise , I did not write back here ...

Because I was in love. You know what that is, when you're in love, the daily takes a single stroke, all our life is centered on the other, as the saying goes: "Everything new and beautiful, pus brain.

Ok, ok ... "Pus brain" is me added that because I had really felt to have no brain.

Joanie and I at the beginning of October, have been invited to the wedding of John and Kathleen , former employees Panini. The marriage took place in a church in Trois-Rivieres.

I thought it was cool, I thought it was worse in the countryside a bit of fresh air it is always good when you live in Brossard, close to the Champlain Bridge. I thought that Three Rivers was a main street with three or four trade populated consanguineous. The charm typical of any village.

But not pentoute. Three Rivers is like everywhere. I feel like squealing in Laval.

Sti ugly place to get married in a wedding ...

At least the reception was held for half an hour from the church, in a sugar shack offering his services during the off-season events for different sugars.

It was one of the best days of my life, I think I even found the most wonderful day that John and Kathleen themselves. they did play of Culture Club, the girls were dressed as princesses worse I stuck with Joanie.

During the reception, she had drunk a lot, I am told that the timing was ideal for the cruiser. A drunk girl is always less likely to say no.

Do not think I wanted to take advantage of his condition, I do believe she drank to give himself courage. After all, last relationship had ended badly Joanie, maybe she needed the alcohol to have enough guts to reconnect with love.

Anyway ...

During the wedding reception, there were carriages and for twenty bucks, a check we did a walk of 15 minutes. I gave 200 bucks worse Joanie and I went for a ride of two and a half hours.

time en masse to convince her to become my girlfriend.

- In any case, my marriage, it makes me want to get married. Not you? I asked to Joanie.

She looked at the horizon, a smile.

- It's so romantic that I am almost jealous, "she added.

- You're not to be jealous, Jo ... Beautiful things like marriage, it just does not others. One day you're going to get your day.

You understand what I was doing?

Yes, that's it. I put in a good mood . To be receptive.

- I do not know ... I wonder if at some point a man love me enough to offer me marriage.

- I love you, Joanie!

She looked at me laughing.

- You, you like all girls, Pat.


It made me a little pissed off, I think I'm pretty selective with the girls of the opposite sex ...

- Let Joanie, I selected the girls according a list of criteria, I like them all.

She shrugged.

- I do not feel special with you. You've tried all the girls on the job, you're such a whore that does not pay.

What the fucking fuck ??

Should I reverse the situation, I could not let the perception that it was my reputation to a level of mediocrity so poor ...

As usual, I used my superior male intelligence.

- You understand nothing, Jo ... If I attended almost all the girls Panini was to make you jealous.

She sighed.

- You have it wrong, I have never been jealous, I thought you were just macho and con.

I took a crestfallen (I know, I know, my vocabulary is sometimes impressive).

- First, I made a mistake ... It proves that I'm vulnerable.

Worse if there's one thing I know is that many women love vulnerable men. Especially those who recognize him loud and clear.

But ... It has not seemed to work with Joanie.

- The only place where you are vulnerable, it is in the pants.

( Sigh) ...

- I do not know how to make you understand, Jo. I really want you, I want to do a little way with you, the worse it would be nice if we started before November 26, because after ...

I did not know what to say, Joanie was going to slip through your fingers, then, fate came to my rescue.

She looked at me.

- You know what, Pat? Today I was moved by marriage, I drank a lot, I find the ultra romantic carriage ride and it's been that I did not love. Come sleep with me tonight.

She said it like that.

power carriages impressed me squeal.

We made love all night.

The next day she put me at the door claiming she was going to lunch with her mother at work, nothing.

As if our one-night never happened. Like that for seven days a week ...

Fuck it ...

I still had the 15.000 50.000 bucks on that I had won with Fanny, I bought two tickets first class to Acapulco in a five star hotel for two weeks.

I told him I had won two trips to Mexico and I asked her if she wanted to come with me. She was ecstatic.

( Smile of happiness) ...

is in sunny Acapulco where it all began. The two weeks spent together in the same room where there was only one bed, we welded.

Even me, I suddenly changed. I let the first order the restaurant, I agreed to lend him the TV remote, I have not smoked a joint for a month! I even brought my laptop to write on the blog and I have not even thought of you, dear readers. Even coming back, I was still on a cloud of fleece ...

I had finally a blonde, she was happy, she even admitted she did not think I was interesting and not always thick.

I took it as a compliment.

After Mexico, this time, she did more ignored.

was official, Joanie and I were a couple regulation, that is to say that the posted, to the surprise of the other girls Panini all who wondered if I Joanie had drugged.

Yes, do not weep with sorrow dear readers, my celibacy was over. I experienced a tremendous love, the highest peak of happiness, the Everest of passion.

Until the day before yesterday.

( Long sigh) ...

I fucking made a blunder.

Joanie slept with me, it was not the first time, but she had never used my computer with me, not my laptop, my other computer, a tower in which I back up the of porn movies that I download .

Do not worry, she has not seen my films. They are well concealed in a hidden folder in the bottom end of the drive.

But I left a folder on the desktop of the computer. A folder named ... Moustache.

Of course, piqued by curiosity see a folder with the name of his cat, she opened it and found ...

photos by Moustache taken hostage. A blindfolded, legs tied. The photos that caused the rift between Jason and her boyfriend falsely blamed for the disappearance of her cat.

She screamed. I came running into my office, I saw on the screen Moustache and my whole body became soft, I had trouble standing, I'm leaning against the door frame.

She stood up and did the last thing I would have thought possible.

She gave me a dirty fly.

Two live in the face, I fell head first onto the floor, my eyebrow was split, she beat feet and broke my nose.

is the ambulance picked me up.

The next day I had a dirty mouth. Nine stitches above his left eye dark circles worse I have a bright blue because of my broken nose and now bandaged with a huge plaster .

I was in for Panini show my state Ninon and request a few days off when I got there, I greeted everyone, but nobody answered me.

All fucking world ignored me!

Jason and I finally saw him I was not ignored. It took me by the collar, all employees present, too curious, came around.

- If you knew how I wanted to finish the job started by Joanie!

I was really dog eat another volley, I would not think I would have survived.

- Listen to me, my big dog fucking dirty. You're gonna go see Ninon worse you'll give your resignation, "he shouted.

Had I not been so bad in the face, I laughed.

- Fuck you, Jason. I did the basement, I'm sorry, but I can not afford to lose my job.

Ninon came running, saw the skirmish in the kitchen.

- Come, tabarnak, Quossai happens sti??

Jason looked me straight in the eye saying for Ninon: "If not his coronation Duval out of here, I give my resignation."

Ninon understood nothing.

- What, tabarnak??

Crystal has advanced a step to differentiate themselves from prying eyes.

- If Duval is, I also give my resignation, "she said, looking at me coldly.

There was a brief silence, then each employee came forward one by one.

- Me too, "said Caroline .

- I'm with you, "said Andréane .

- I'm leaving too, replied Amanda .

- I want to work with him either, "said Leduc .

- I do not understand what is happening, but I stay with the gang, countered Milena .

Each turn, looking at me, spat them discontent with what I did to Joanie. Really, just because of the kidnapping of a cat, my colleagues hated me to the bone. Crunches, I did anyway not kidnapped her baby, which band of wineries!

I did not know what to say.

For a moment, I wanted to attract the pity, I thought shouting: "Look at my face, look, I'm disfigured! Joanie has her revenge!"

Ninon looked at me.

- Duval ... sti ...

- Sacre it out! Yelled Jason.

The crowd was given to yell louder than ever to insult insults ...

I do not know why, but I literally pee, I could barely restrain myself. Prior to wet my pants and be in addition to the unloved, the ridicule, I went running in the race ...

The bastards, I heard them clap my departure.

( Silence) ...

Ninon do not call me back. My 4% has been directly deposited in my account. It has not even claimed the uniform.

Fuck off, I was so close to our goal: To have a fucking woman!

Worse now I still 7.000 bucks in my account.

I have no credit because of my bankruptcy.

I am twenty-four days to find me a wife.

I will be forty years.

Seriously ...

I should make a TV series with my life.


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