Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Catholic Letter For Confirmation

C is therefore that, the fate of my destiny? End my days alone, without wife or child?

Joanie destroyed me. I, who thought she loved me for real. Not pentoute. Give me a break and fly with me just to have kidnapped her cat, this is proof that our marriage did not help much.


Nowadays, we can be trusted.

is every man for himself. Fucking individualistic system.

I am angry against everyone, against life, against fate, against everything.

( Sigh ) ...

I bought two bottles of wine I've drunk in two hours.

In the madness of my intoxication, I destroyed my apartment.

I pulled up the marble countertops in the kitchen, I demolished the ceramics from China in the bathroom, I pierced the walls and kicked, j 'I burned my clothes in the backyard and I even ripped all of my business cards plastic surgeon.

No job, no wife, no social status, I am nothing, except a burden to society.

In one day, I became a great king of the losers.

It made me laugh.

(Long silence ) ...

I became insane. I decided to call Karine whore.

I wanted to go as low as possible. For at least be champion of something.

The champion losers.

Karine came three minutes after my call.

- You know, it's not nice to wait for your faithful customer, I said, the tone intoxicated.

She walked into the room to see the damage.

- Are you crazy??

I started dancing and bouncing around.

- I celebrate my new discovery! That women are bitches! All of the whores who are out of the asylum! Come on, come celebrate with me!

I tried to take her in my arms but she pushed me.

- I do not stay here. It's a mess, you stink and you're not in your state.

I stood outside the door to prevent him from leaving me.

- You do not have the choice to stay here, I pay you, you're a whore!

- I'll go if I want to. You're not loser in point of beating a woman?

I fell on his knees, weeping tears of all my body, two body even.

- I'm not a loser ! Why I can not find a girlfriend? Why no woman wants from me? Tell me you're a girl, why?

She climbed over to reach the door.

- It's so simple, stupid. You're not a real man. You refuse to evolve. You have forty years and you speak, think and act like a teenager. Girls you are looking for are not the ones you need.

I looked at him, full of pity.

- Tell me, Karine ... Who are the women I need??

She sighed at length.

- A woman of your age, triple idiot!

- Impossible, youth is the first criterion on my list! Am I reacted strongly.

- What you do not understand the con is that even if you find a woman between twenty and thirty years for the rest of your days, it will eventually grow old. Your list of criteria, it's superficial, it's the wind, it's shit. I repeat, you do not seek the right kind of women!

She slammed the door.

( Silence again ) ...

I never thought of that. Indeed, the first test of my list can be ephemeral.

My future wife will inevitably one day fifty years.

A fact of nature not to fight.

But am I ready for a woman my age?

Is it my destiny?

Impossible. I can not believe it. My fate can not be so tragic. I always refused the women of my age.

Because ...

( Sigh) ...


I refuse to talk about it for now.

* Photo:


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