Thursday, June 3, 2010

Body Style Change On Yukon

mysterious Getaway

I slept peacefully in my bed, it was about six o'clock in the morning when I awakened with a start by a wave, a tsunami of cold water so icy cold ...

(Me): But what ... Fanny ??

She stood before my bed, an empty glass in hand.

(Fanny): It is time to wake up, Dr. Duval.

She looked around.

(Fanny): You do not have much here, it looks like you got robbed.

I slowly lifted not fast ...

(Me): Yeah ... an old story. How did you do to find where I live?

(Fanny): My mother asked your mother. I've been to your restaurant but the waitress Andréane told me you had sold because you had financial problems. Really?

Andréane fucking!

She enjoys inventing anything to get me in trouble, I'll kill her!

(Me): Yes ... Not ... Finally, I am trying to resolve this.

(Fanny): Regardless, you may be poor, I'm crazy. Me, as much as you submit ...

( Sigh) ...

This woman was the reincarnation of Saddam Hussein .

She threw clothes.

(Fanny): Get dressed, we leave.

I still had eyes in the fat bine.

(Me): Huh?? We're going where?

(Fanny): In New York until Monday.

What the fucking fuck ??

(Me): New York ?? I can not! I travai ... I mean, I have patients in my office!

(Fanny): Cancel your appointments, your patients will wait before re-face.

(Me): But I ...


Oh my god ...

I really, really in the shit, even diarrhea!

(Me): Ok, ok, not angry up my love. I'll call my secretary.

I took the phone and I called the Panini .

Ninon the manager, said.

(Me): Hi Ninon is Patrick Duval.

(Ninon): Quossai you want to fucking cellar, sti.

Fanny could not hear what was said Ninon, he had to improvise that despite the response of my manager. I knew I was juggling with fire, but I can juggle. I am an expert. I can set everything on fire without burning me.

(Me): Listen, Ninon ... for the next few days coming up, I'm going to have ... uh ... cancel my schedule.

(Ninon): What , crunches?? It

not understand.

(Me): Yes, I have to leave emergency until Monday.

She suddenly understood.

(Ninon): ME YOU FUCKING TOE Fool?? How do you want me to find a replacement soon as well, sti. No way!

Fanny was impatient.

(Me): Yes, that's it, Ninon. I'll come back on Monday, you shall tell my clients to return next week.

(Ninon): From Quossai you speak, sacrament?? I want to see you on the floor at 5 Calisse tonight is clear??

(Me): I know , Ninon, customers will be cursed, but I have no choice, really no choice.

(Ninon): My fucking Duval, if you come back until Monday, you'll have big consequences calisses.

(Me): I'll explain explanations in return ...

Fanny snatched the phone from my hands.

(Fanny): Duval returns Doctor Monday conasse shit, you cancel appointments. Worse

she hung up.

I gasped, I could not take off the eyes of the phone. Fanny sent Ninon shit!

was dead.

I dressed, she sat me down on the back seat of his BMW and we headed to the airport.

(Me): What is it? A business trip?

Fanny was concentrated on the road.

(Fanny): No.

I smiled.

(Me): is a journey of love, my love?

(Fanny): You call me again my love and I do not care a crushing blow in the teeth.

(Me): What then?

She sighed impatiently.

(Fanny): is a ... a contest.


(Me): What I have in there??

Impatient, she turned to me.

(Fanny): You will know in time and place, now you shut your gu ...

She looked at me trying to strum on my Blackberry .

(Fanny): BUT WHAT YOU DO??

(Me): I ... uh ... I write a post on my blog about what is happening at the moment.

She furiously.

(Fanny): You can tell your readers that you will give them news on Tuesday, until you disappear. Worse

she tore my Blackberry of my ...


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