Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Websights Alike To Poptropica

Am I cellar?

was the third day of competition Slave of the Year , I began to tire a bit of sadomasochism. It's good fun

the lashes, but too much is like not enough. One time, it ends up leaving traces morale.

Fanny and I were still in the box.

(Fanny): The next event is the questionnaire. Each judge will ask you a question you must answer correctly. Each wrong answer you will be worth an electrocution.

(Me) : Faci ...

I stopped short of speaking, but it was too late, I had already received the strap in the face.

(Fanny): Shut up!

Someone knocked on the door of the lodge. It was the first judge, old bald.

(Old Bald): Dominatrix Hello, again, you surpass this year. But you have competition, Hector is also very impressive.

ck this Hector. Mostly it was the former husband of Fanny.

(Fanny): Henry ... I did not want to talk to Hector. My mistress

was gold!

(Henry): Yes, okay. I understand. I wish you good luck!

The old bat left, Fanny sat down, looking desperate.

I tried to make him understand by mimes I was wondering what was happening.

(Fanny): It is because of Hector ... You must know, besides being my husband, Hector was my former slave.

She retained a maudlin tear ...

(Fanny): I won the event twice with him, he was a champion slave. Then one day he decided to become a master. I tried everything to dissuade him, but Hector still had nothing to do. I was forced to divorce, two masters can not live together.

I got a chance to fall in love with me Fanny! I just had to fight Hector and cherish my slave status.

I suddenly felt better, I was ready to receive a thousand lashes to win the hearts of my wife.

(Fanny): Since , Hector tries to beat me here. If he succeeds, I will be expelled from the League of Sexual Masters. The rules are strict, if an ex-slave wins the competition, his former master is immediately banned.

Hector Fucking! No question that my Fanny was expelled from his club friends.

I was going to win this competition and humiliated Hector.

Barbarella picked me for the test of the questionnaire. Again, the host introduced me as having a blank stare, a ridiculous posture and mouth cunt.

( Sigh) ...

I was sitting on a kind of electric chair on which they plugged my nipples and my balls with tongs and wet towels in front of three judges. Henry was the first to speak.

(Henry): First question , category "everyday life". How many times a slave copy should he prostrate himself before his master?

What the fucking fuck ??

such theoretical questions about the conduct of a slave?? We did not tell me that I should study before the test. I had no idea


(Me): The prostration is a state of mind. I am constantly prostrate before my mistress.

There was some applause in the room. The judges watched.

(Henry): The correct answer is 37 times, but I like the philosophy of this response. I give you seven out of ten, bravo Dominatrix.

Good ... not bad.

(Malcolm): Question category "vocabulary". Give me the definition of a dildo.

A dildo??

Again, I did not know the answer. I said anything.

(Me): Uhh ... is ... this is something that ... is used to flavor the salad.

Judge number two looked at me with surprise.

(Malcolm): What poetry! How wonderful to describe the dildo! I gives nine out of ten, congratulations!

I knew no more what a dildo ...

(Mina): Question category "general culture". Name me a sadomasochistic the 19th century?

( Sigh) ...

Again, no idea.

(Me): I know the answer, but I do not say.

There was dead silence in the room. The judges had not looked pleased.

(Mina, a menacing tone): And why do you refuse to answer, shabby larva?

I took a deep breath.

(Me): Because I have not had any bad response yet. I am a slave, a true champion, I want to suffer, I want to be electrocuted!

Everyone was speechless from the mouth ...

Worse, the three judges stood to applaud. The crowd followed. I got a standing ovation.

(Mina): Dominatrix, again, you never cease to amaze me! I give you a ten!

People even applauded.

Really, never in my life had I been more proud.

(Mina): Now that electrocutes idiot!

I spent fifteen long minutes to get struck by lightning.

Finally I preferred by far, the lashes.

When I returned to the lodge, I felt burned. I lay on the table, I felt very well. I was numb all over.

(Fanny): Excellent, you answered very well.

I had no strength to answer and get a shot jumper. My lifted a thumb.

(Fanny): There is only one test reception.

I raised my hand to signal him to stop talking. I knew how this event was.

Just by its name: The reception.

I'm not mistaken.

Unable to walk because of the damn electric, guys carried me to the scene.

I was face down on a chair, still before the judges, a executioner placed next to me, ass in the air and the air ...

The facilitator of the evening told the microphone as the record for the biggest vibrator in reception was a circumference of 40 cm.

Still the fucking dildos! I suddenly knew

what it meant.


The executioner placed a table before me with lots of different models.

(Mina): More will be bigger, you'll score. Choose, scavenger, I allow you to speak.

I would not fooling around.

(Me): Push me the biggest one in the end!

Again, in the room, there was a dead silence.

(Henry): The biggest ??

(Malcolm): He's crazy??

(Mina): Exit King Kong!

There were worried murmurings in the room, even the executioner hesitated.

He left the scene came back with worse ...

A leg of Arnold Schwarzenegger, but black! It probably was not on the table because it would have taken all the space.

I never saw such a big vibrator. Yes, it was certainly made from mold penis King Kong.

(Henry): one ever dared try it before you. Thirty points is guaranteed if you are able to receive seven centimeters.

I motioned that I was ready.

The crowd held its breath.

Without flinching, I got seven inches.

I bled till morning in the dressing room doctor gave me six points I was torn.

But I won the fucking contest! Four points ahead


Wondering how I could pass the last test?

I felt absolutely nothing.

The judges had really abused on the time of my electric, so that in the event of the reception, I felt nothing at the feet of the basin. But crunches

I had lots of pain for a week after, unable to sit on my ass ...

( Sigh) ...

After all these sacrifices, I'm having a real proof of love for Fanny.

But no.

She made me a check for 50,000 dollars and she gave me a plane ticket to Montreal.

(Me): But Fanny ... I do not want to leave you, I love you! I want you to be the woman of my life!

I cried, I could not believe that after all that, I would find myself at my starting point.


(Fanny): He must know something. I'm still married to Hector.


(Me): But ... but ... you and me, then? It was nothing??

(Fanny): No.

(Me): I do not understand!

(Fanny): There is no regulation that prevents two masters of being married, I said that to motivate you to win. Hector and I love the competition. For five years we find ourselves slaves and we participate in hopes of winning the $ 500,000. Two, we have more luck.

I destroyed.

(Me): But how did you know that I would be a good slave??

(Fanny) : I came across your blog by accident while doing a search with the words "man", "woman" and "desperate." When I read your posts, I knew right away that you obey me the finger and the eye. By the purest coincidence, my mother and yours had dance class together. You know the rest of the story.

I could not believe it. Betrayed by my own writing!

(Me): I can learn something ... What is in my blog made you confident that I could be a good slave.

She hesitated a moment.

(Fanny): You really want to know?

(Me): Yes .

(Fanny): Even if it may hurt your pride?

(Me): Yes !

(Fanny): Through all of your texts ... You're a fucking cave.

( Silence) ...

you understand why I write less these days now??

Do people find me cellar??

* Photo: http://ioanabadea.wordpress.com/2009/06/30/ce-inseamna-sa-fii-prost/


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