Monday, June 14, 2010

What's The Best Modular Snowmobile Helmet

Desperate to its torque

I was always New York for the competition Slave of the Year , my second day after the first two tests to pass: The determination and politeness ...

Say day 1 of competition I managed to half. If I wanted to win the heart of Fanny, I just had to be more efficient.

We visited the building on 5th Avenue. The place was filled with the same people, Barbarella escorted us to the same box as before.

Once alone, Fanny ordered me to don the uniform competition, that is to say a g-string leather.

(Fanny): the next test is the determination. It is very difficult.

(Me): As Jean Charest say, I'm ready!

She gave me a shot jumper in the face.

(Fanny): Ferme ta gueule! The test of the determination is to catch a key hanging on a hook at the top of you. The only way to achieve the key is to stretch the arms up and get the key.

I took a pencil and paper I wrote worse : Easy!

Fanny knew whether she would give me a shot jumper or not ...

(Fanny): You think it easy? They make a noose around your balls and each of your arms is attached to a rope that is attached to a pulley system. When you lift the arm, even just a little, the noose clamp your balls dating back to the inside of you. Apparently the pain is unbearable. Three slaves in the history of the Slave of the Year won the race and have earned the maximum points. It is one of three who has even lost a testicle in his abdomen. What

The Fucking fuck ??

For a moment I thought of taking my business and my squealing camp this crazy place. But I wanted to break the party and ruin the race I told myself that it cost nothing to try ... except maybe a testicle.

was knocked on the door, was one of the judges, the tall blonde Swedish.

(Great blonde): Dominatrix Hello, I am delighted to see that you are always so dominant. After a quick release test of endurance, I anticipate a good performance in the test of determination.

(Fanny): Do not worry, Mina, my slave would rather lose his testicles instead of relive the correction I gave him yesterday after the competition.

Fanny was not wrong.

(Mina): I wish you good luck, Hector is also very impressive this year.

Hector was the guy who was in first position ranking to date.

(Fanny): Hector's reputation crumble under the pressure. I am sure that his teachings were sloppy, we will realize soon enough. Mina had

not seem convinced.

(Mina): They say he is well prepared. He is tired of finishing second, behind you. Good luck, Dominatrix.

Mina is out. Fanny turned to me.

(Fanny): You hear that? If you do not catch the key, I'll castrate him!

(Me): Who is Hector? Coup de

jumper in the face.

(Fanny): My ex-husband.


I had no choice. I had to win against ex-husband, was paramount. ALWAYS be better than the former his girlfriend.

Barbarella came to pick us up.

Again, I waited near the stage that make me a sign to enter and I heard the host tell me: "His eyes empty, her posture and her ridiculous mouth idiot, blah blah blah ".

I struggled to contain myself. Was sure that I would kick his ass in the thick of facilitator at the end of the competition!

I was escorted on stage before the judges. I've attached the two arms with ropes, we made a noose around my balls worse animation from his time.

Fanny has advanced before me and pointed the key.

(Fanny, loudly): lousy slave, give me that key!

I looked at the key hanging above my head, just in front of me, and I stretched my arm.

Holy mother fucking fuck !

My arms along the body. I just bent elbow as I felt my balls contract. A sharp pain went up bar to my stomach.

was well for my two arms.

never going to succeed in lifting my hand up high above my head! Never!

I saw my future fracture, Fanny leave me, I found myself joining the priesthood.

Fuuuck !

I was barely five months to find me a woman . Fanny would be good if the life of my existence would become a race against time ...

With my right arm, I dropped my g-string and I'm done with hair.

The spectators in the room began to murmur.

(Moderator): You are not allowed to touch the noose!

I did not sign that and I started to play after the penis.

Whispers in the room rose a notch. The judges watched, wondering if they should intervene.

I must confess that the time was oddly chosen to masturbate.

When I reached a solid as a rock hard erection, I looked at the key.

worse I started to piss.

The jet barely reached my nose. I began to vigorously shake my gear, pissing me in the face, giving everything I had into the bladder.

drops eventually reach the key that was beginning to swing back and forth.

Should be quick, my desire has decreased. I was on tiptoes up, his back bent backward, his face dripping urine and I shook and shook and shook and shook and ...

The key is dropped!

I knelt, I picked up the key and, still kneeling, I tended towards Fanny.

( Smile pride) ...

I got a standing ovation.

(Judge # 1): Never have I seen such dedication from a slave! I give you a ten!

(Malcolm): Dominatrix, you're a strategist. Your intelligence is matched only by your dominance. I also give you ten!

(Mina): Se piss in his mouth to serve his master, I can only bow. Bravo Dominatrix, I give you ten me too!

I left in a delirious crowd. I swear, just for that brief moment, it was worth it to be a slave.

We returned to the lodge.

(Fanny): Bravo, I'll take my whip! you really impressed me!

I mimed that I was happy.

(Fanny): The next test will than politeness. There are two events where it is permissible for you to talk and this is one.


(I): Y ' not too early early!

I received another fucking shot jumper.

(Fanny): Shut up! The test is not yet started, you will speak in due course! Judges will insult you in turn. The test of politeness is to remain calm and submitted until the end of regulation time.

It seemed an exercise in TV show: Caesar, the man who talks to dogs .

I dreaded this ordeal. Because I know myself. I have not much in cold blood. Fortunately I have never had discharge gamma ray, I'd be constantly transformed into Incredible Hulk! (For the uneducated, Dr. Bruce Banner had a discharge of gamma ray udder began to turn into Hulk . Do we really explain everything to you!)

I went back on stage, J. No. 1, who was old and balding, approached. I stared at the floor, ears folded ...

He turned slowly around me.

(J. No. 1): You stink, slave!

Pffff! I needed still more than that to annoy me.

(J. No. 1): Your breath putrid directly intricacies of your soul soiled by excrement bid eloquent testimony to the absurdity of your life and your unimportant preposterous prehistoric brain. You are the anthropic most abject, you are at base of the hierarchy of folly, I demonstrated a greater deference to a Crapoussin. What have you to answer, filthy larva?


I understood nothing. But absolutely nothing. Even as I thought it sounded like a compliment.

I shrugged.

(Me): If you 're as smart as your vocabulary, I'd rather shut my mouth. I am not worthy to speak.

The crowd applauds. I could not believe it.

(J. No. 1): But I'm as smart as my vocabulary! I have rarely seen someone as refined politeness used! I give you a ten! He looked


(J. No. 1): Bravo Dominatrix!

Malcolm, the second judge, his white hair perfectly combed, dressed very carefully approached and stood before me.

Me, I always look submissive, as Fanny had taught me.

(Malcolm): Your mistress is a whore! It is pathetic, she does not deserve you. You are a champion slave, why waste your time with it when you could be under the dominion of a master more cruel and hard on you? Come with me, Dominatrix is a bitch with no class, stop being so loyal to a being that everyone despises. What do you say, dopey character?

Again, it was easy. The guy had not insulted once! He could strive as he wanted on Fanny ... As it was not directed toward me, I could not care less.

(Me): I am madly in love Dominatrix. I accept his faults but his qualities. Love is the greatest power to subdue the world, I could never be as good a slave to someone else.

The crowd went wild. It felt so good to finally be appreciated by what I was and not what I pictured.

(Malcolm): I was not expecting an answer as prodigious! Dominatrix, you are a divine master! You never cease to amaze me. I have no choice, I give you a ten.

Really, this test was as difficult as spend the night in a cozy bed.

Mina, J. No. 3, got up and sat before me. She had a sacred legs, I had no problem setting the floor.

(Mina): You make me vomit. Really, you're ugly.

Yeah ...

I exploded with anger. Crunches, call me ugly, I took it not. Fucking fucked hard, heavy tabarnak of Swedish bitch sucking shit!

(Me): I may be ugly, but you look like ... Mats Sundin my large seed would not even you!

There was dead silence in the room.

Then one person said: "The slave went too far! Frankly, Mats Sundin!"

And another added: "Kill him!"

Mina grabbed me by the throat, I reached over to breathe.

The facilitator tried to calm the crowd while I was trying to assassinate me live in New York.

I lost consciousness.

When I awoke, I was in the box, Fanny beside me. She was not happy.

She immediately gave a correction to the strap. I even lost consciousness.

( Silence) ...

That day was back in fourth place with 81 points. Hector was still leading with 95 points. His lead had melted.

I still had a chance to win this competition and the heart of Fanny.

Should I stop just to the cellar worse than I am concentrating on what I had to do.

Hoping to become a good slave and get my couple.

*** To be continued ...

* Photo:


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