Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Geforce 6510se Specs Ram

I do not want to lose this rich woman

Fanny and I arrived at a hotel in New York in New York ...

The Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Manhattan .

You should have seen the place. Reception counters were made of gold, there were servants who took our bags like in the movies worse I met Dustin Hoffman in the elevator.

(Me): It's a great Honor to Be In The Same elevator as you, man!

(Dustin Hoffman ): Get lost, kid!

(Never in my life I thought Dustin Hoffman would have a reply in this blog! Wow, I have an Oscar winner in my blog, my visits will explode!)

I was in Angels, I had a taste of the life of a pasha who was waiting for me, I had to marry Fanny and make lots of children to force her and her money to stay with me.

It came in a beautiful suite on the top floor, the panorama of Manhattan was amazing, the bed was huge, I was wondering if Emilio Estevez, one of my favorite actors, was already lying in this bed.

I never seen a room so big, in fact, the room was so huge that there was ...

Two rooms??

What was the matter? We would not sleep together??

(Me): I have my own room ??

Fanny from laughing.

(Fanny): Hahaha! You think you have your room? Hahaha!

She pulled a small green carpet of one of her seven suitcases and rolled out at the foot of his bed.

(Fanny): you, you sleep on it.

( Silence) ...

Ok .. his attitude began to annoy me. I was going to play even when the slave 24 over 24. No problem inserting the sadomasochism in our sex, I could tolerate, but not in all spheres of our relationship.

I attempted a rebellion.

(Me): No, no, no ... I refuse. I'll sleep in the bed next to close to you, no question ...

I have not had time to finish my sentence that Fanny threw herself on me. She told me by the hair and touch and close fastening me lying on the floor.

(Fanny): Listen to me, lousy larva. You'll obey, you'll be mine until Monday, I'll be your master.

She dropped, I stared at the floor, I dared not look.

(Me): Why did you brought here??

(Fanny): Stand up and sit down on the bed.

I'm running in no time. I did not taste it pulls my hair again, it was fucking evil!

She slowly sat on a chair in front of me.

(Fanny): Each year, the MHA, the League of Sexual Masters, organized the contest Slave of the Year. It is a contest underground, it costs $ 50,000 to participate. This year, you'll be my colt. I had to choose you at the last minute because I suffered a mutiny of the slave I had prepared for months for this competition.

What the fucking fuck ??

I was a second choice??

Seriously, I was annoyed. I sincerely believe and in all sincerity that I am a good slave ...

(Me, doing the Babou): you should've chosen me first, I would have never betrayed!

She smiled.

(Fanny): Pat, you have the attitude of a slave winner!

I did not know if I should take it as a compliment or not.

(Me): The first prize is by how much?

(Fanny): $ 500,000. I give you 10% if you win and I'll leave you alone afterwards.


I jumped on Fanny and I took her in my arms.

(Me) : Nooooon! I do not want you leave me! You are my love!

She still smiled, pushing back sharply.

(Fanny): Decidedly, you are vaiment an excellent slave. I think I had a flair for choosing you.

(Me): You'll be proud of me, my darling!

(Fanny): You accept the market?

(Me): swallow a glass of piss kangaroo if you asked me!

She turned to one of her bags and pulled out a whip. His eyes became cold, she whipped out his chest and ripped my shirt .


(Fanny): Prostrate thyself!

I got a bad jump knelt before her, kissing the floor. After licking his boots for ten minutes, she motioned me to sit my ass on the bed.

(Fanny): The Slave of the Year consists of six tests based on the submission, dependence and subservience to the master. For three days, with two races per day, a jury évalura candidates and appoint a "master winner".

(Me): is not rather a "slave winner "?

She even whipped torso chest ...

Crisse that it hurt.

(Fanny): SHUT UP! Tomorrow there will be tests of the parade and the endurance. Saturday will be the test of determination and politeness, and finally, Sunday, there will be tests of the questionnaire and then received the appointment of the winner. Every night I'm going to train yourself to test the next day. If ever you're not performing, I'm disfigured!

I started to laugh.

(Me): Hahaha! you forgetting that I am plastic surgeon, I operate on me myself ! Hahaha! In your face!

She whipped me yet. I laughed less.

(Fanny): You can stop your stories plastic surgeon, I know you're just a waiter, and you do the annual salary of an Ethiopian child . This is the reason why I chose you and my mom talked to your mother, I know you'll do whatever I tell you what to win $ 50,000. You are my slave, Pat is your destiny.

My mouth was speechless ...

(Fanny): You'll sleep on the carpet throughout the weekend, the more you'll look abused, I have more opportunities to win the contest.

She whipped me yet.

(Fanny): scars Then you will look even more vulnerable!

( Silence) ...

You know what?

I knew exactly what to do to marry this girl and insure my old age.

The competition, I was going to win, I would wipe all the others! I was going to be so perfect as the slave to the world that Fanny would fall madly in love with me. I was not gonna do it for the cash , but my quest for success.

Find the woman of my life before becoming a priest .

When love pierce the carapace of Fanny ...

I'll become the master.

*** To be continued tomorrow.

* Photo: http://phillolo.skynetblogs.be/post/6131746/dustin-hoffman


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