Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How Much Ispolypectomy

America's Got Talent

Fanny paid a taxi to a building on 5th Avenue. We took an elevator that took us to the basement below the ...

Still without saying a word, she took out a leash from his bag and tied it around my neck.

She escorted me through an underground parking lot, we went through a door, walked a few corridors worse we got in a huge room.

There were a bunch of people. Girls with breasts to the air, guys with hoods, leather dog slave bestiality, I was in Reno-Depot of fucks.

In the back of the room to the Gothic style was a scene with three people who appeared to be the contest judges. Long black curtains were acrochés to large column, the candlelight gave an air of concern to decorative gargoyles.

I had no time to contemplate the room long. Fanny pulled on my leash to take me behind the scenes.

(Fanny): Remember the three golden rules that I taught you yesterday. One, you always look at the floor, you will never look someone in the eye. Two, you never talk, total silence. Three you do what I say immediately to the nearest second.

(Me): Yeah, yeah, okay, no trouble.

She grabbed my balls and pressed really hard.

(Fanny): I told you not a word, pathetic dirty!

I did ok in the head.

A good woman with the attire of Barbarella told us a box. It came finding himself completely alone, I and my mistress.

Fanny took out some instruments of torture, she donned her costume Catwoman worse a man in his fifties has appeared in the room.

Of course, everything was in English, but I'll translate a translation ...

(Male): Dominatrix, my dear ...

They kissed on the cheeks. He looked at me, I immediately looked down.

Hehe! I learn quickly!

(Male): You think still win this year? You seem to have found a good foal.

(Fanny): I have a knack for attracting the desperate.

It took me by the chin and observed by turning my head from left to right. I swear I've never looked in the eyes. As a real pro professional ...

(Male): My god, this is a thoroughbred. Looks like he was born to be a slave. His vacant eyes, his posture ridiculous, his mouth cunt.

Should I calm myself, I would jump him in the face!

(Fanny): Malcolm, I am quadruple champion Slave of the Year. My rule is matched only by your brilliant way to judge this competition.

Quadruple champion?? Oh ... my ... god ... I suddenly pressure.

I had big shoes to fill, but the desire to finish my days with Fanny was going to do perform. I know myself. For a girl, I can go very far.

Malcolm smiled. Finally, I think I saw the corner of his eye.

(Malcolm): You have the number 7. I can not wait to see if you still have the hand.

The guy has disappeared. Fanny beckoned me to sit on a stool. She took off my shirt, my chest was covered with fresh scars. I was doing an impression of thunder.

(Fanny): The first event is the parade. We will walk along the stage before me, behind you. You stand still before the courts three seconds when I pull on the leash, you gonna do a look at yourself, yet you remain motionless, the judges give me a note and we leave where we came.

I sighed.

(Me): You've explained everything yesterday and down ...

The shock of the strap that I got in the face was memorable. I saw stars. For real.

(Fanny): Shut up! Remember, low shoulders, look away, very slow process, you have to sweat the bid.

I stayed silent.

Closing my eyes, I thought Fanny.

I saw us at our wedding, buying a duplex in the suburbs, in our married life, his many births and the need to become the best slave of all time grabbed me. Fanny was the only access to all my dreams, I had to impress.

Barbarella entered the lodge. She asked us to follow. Fanny pulled me with the leash to the entrance of the stage, the left side. All I wore was the dress like fucking leave a bad g-string leather was mine even.

I could distinguish the three judges (Malcolm) sitting at the table and the facilitator was open to spectators.

(Moderator): The next slave, number 7, is owned by Miss Dominatrix. His vacant eyes, his posture and his mouth ridiculous con makes him a formidable candidate!

I was really starting to pump but I managed to calm myself. My financial future and lovers were at stake

I had won this competition, I won the prize for winning Fanny ...

So I decide to play a role. That of the ape-man. I do not know why, but in my head, a man-ape was the perfect inspiration to embody a slave. Who knows why.

(Moderator): Ladies and gentlemen, Dominatrix!

She pulled on the leash, I started to walk like a chimpanzee, the shoulders swing on each side, bent back, knees bent, staring at the floor.

My game was so striking that a murmur went through the hearing, even Fanny whispered: "But what are you doing??"

But it was too late, we were already half way to the judges. I like a little monkey, I clung to the legs of my mistress, fear, distress and dependence on full view.

Fanny had difficulty moving. Judges, stunned, watching the scene.

(Fanny, crying): GO, LARVAE FEED FILTHY!

I started screaming like a puppy in pain and I was placing myself in the fetal position before the judges, sucking my thumb.

To make a more dramatic effect, I began to tremble all over my body. Fanny pulled on the leash. I slowly made a turn on myself made worse back to them, still trembling, I let myself go.

As a man-ape.

A nice big wet shit well just for the judges. Ultimate proof of my submission to my mistress.

In the room it was Total silence me, I continued to tremble, his eyes filled with terror.

The trial judge, a little old bald man who seemed speechless, took the floor.

(Judge # 1): I ... I have no words to describe the jealousy I feel towards your slave, Dominatrix. Never, in forty-year career, a slave was subject to the point of shitting on the stage. I give a ten!

(Malcolm): This look animal enslaves the terror in every limb of his body, I had never seen so much obedience and submission in a single being. A slave is not supposed to emit a single sound, but the cry of horror sent by your puppet shows all the power you have over him. Bravo, excellent parade, I give you a ten too.

Judge number three was a beautiful tall blonde with the Swedish accent.

(Judge # 3): I never saw a slave parade so elegant. Dominatrix, your slave is your instrument, the approach that you have taught is innovative. Your courage to do submission defecate deserves a dime from me.

The room began to applaud wildly.

Fanny pulled me towards the exit. Always with my approach to monkey I left the stage, triumphant.

We returned to the lodge.

(Fanny): I do not know where you found the approach and attitude, but you're awesome.

(Me): Thanks ...

I got a jumper in the face.

(Fanny): You never learn, you! Shut your mouth! Well ... The second test is one of endurance. I'll say a word and Barbarella will serve as a control. On stage, a executioner will torture you to make you say this word. You just have to take as long as possible.

(Me): What is the record?

Another shot jumper in the face.

(Fanny): 2 minutes 39 seconds.


Child's play! I just had to endure torture for three minutes and was going to be a hero again.

This contest was custom made for me!

Barbarella is even worse came to pick us I still heard the presenter describe myself as having a mouth cunt.

I swear, I wanted to kill him.

Barbarella looked Fanny.

( Barbarella ): What is the word?

She said: "Plastic Surgeon".

Barbarella took note of the word and Fanny escorted me on the stage by pulling my fucking leash.

The executioner tied me standing on a wooden board that was facing the audience. On a table, I could see machetes, knives, whips, razors, hammers, battery char ...

(Moderator, stopwatch in hand): On your mark, get set ... Go!

animation from the time of his watch ...

The executioner took a hook worse, without warning, has sunk into my right nipple. I still yelled

as a puppy and I still shit, but this time unintentionally.


Facilitator, disappointed, stopped the clock. People have expressed their discontent. I was already a fallen hero in the space of a few hours.

The three judges nodded with spite.

(Judge # 1): Lamentable. A zero.

(Malcolm): Shame. Zero, too.

(Judge # 3): I never confide a secret to your slave, Dominatrix. I give you a point, because I love to see him defecate.

Fanny fulminated.

( Silence) ...

After the first day we had 31 points on 60 and had the eighth of fifteen esclaves.Le first posting an impressive 56 points.

I had to focus more seriously if I wanted to overtake the lead. The second test took me by surprise, I betrayed my marriage, showing a weakness unworthy of a man.

night, Fanny gave me a correction rule, my black eye can attest.

But I deserved it.

I had misbehaved.

( Sigh) ...

Not easy life of a slave.

*** To be continued

* Photo: 20got 20talent/susfairfield/AGT_1280x1024.jpg


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