Monday, May 31, 2010

How Much Isnasal Polypectomy

The price for a super rich girl

Saturday evening, 23h.

The phone rang a bell ...

(Me): Yes allo?

(Female): Dr. Duval?

(Me): Huh??

(Girls): It Fanny.

A ghost!

(Me): Wow ... I expected more for your call.

(Fanny): Takes a pencil and paper, it is thirty seconds.

(Me): Huh??

(Fanny): Come join me at 2155 ...

I took a pencil and an empty package of Oh Henry! worse I noticed the address.

(Fanny): You're twenty minutes to arrive.

(Me): But ... but I'm not even dressed, I'm watching TV in string. Give me forty minutes.

(Fanny): You have twenty minutes otherwise forget the fuck.

She hung up.

When a girl tells me about the other sex fuck, I have no trouble getting motivated ...

In three minutes thirty-two seconds, I was showered, dressed in a suit Versace, combed, scented and clean shaven. It is well known, a bearded scrotum is never a good first impression. After a decade of ten years of marriage they're fucking but then, it was a new date ...

Pis a date important. This girl, I had to impress, she had to become my wife. It's not every day we have the opportunity to put the grappling hook on a rich girl.

I was to dominate, show him who was master to show him that I am a real man. Women love guys who have leadership, a solid column, big balls.

Not in the literal sense, obviously. This

Fanny thought I was plastic surgeon, successful restaurateur, rich, educated, influential, dominating ...

I had to continue to play the game, it seemed to work, after all, she reminded me.

I arrived in a posh neighborhood, I found the place thanks to the address between a peanut caramel worse, it was a condo building. I thought so because it gave me an apartment number.

I rang the front door of the building, the door opened automatically. I took a lift, I got the third.

Twenty minutes flat.

The door was open loft Fanny. I was stunned by the scene, it stank cash.

(Fanny): Shut the door!

I looked around, I saw not Fanny. I closed the door and I walked into the loft.

In the back of the room to my right, she stood staring at me with a pair of eyes not very nice ... She was dressed

a black leather bikini, a pair of black knee boots, a whip of a worse kind of mask as Catwoman .

Seriously ... I almost starting to laugh.

(Me): Fanny?

(Fanny): SHUT UP!

Ok ..

She approached me, went around looking at me menacingly.

(Fanny) : Lie on the floor, a slave.

What the fucking fuck??

had Catwoman claws out!

(Me): Uhh ... It is your own floor?

She slammed violently whip in a vacuum.


I had two choices:

- bow before me this hysterical look like a molasson.
- Send it shit and looking like a man.

Of course, there was also the option to ask her what she was playing quietly, but that I thought about it until the next day.

I chose the second option.

I know, I know ... you're not surprised.

(Me): You're mad , crunches?? You make me lie down not your fucking floor!

She gave another boost, but this time on me! She tore my shirt and showed me a gash on the belly of six inches! I


(Me): Ouch! My fucking dumb, it's a shirt three hundred bucks!

She approached her face an inch from mine.

(Fanny, too threatening): If you lie down right away, your shirt will be in tatters in seconds.

Ok! I came to understand, they played a role play. I did not know exactly why she did that, but I decided to play the game

(Me): Batman never sets on a floor. I refuse Catwoman!

There, she was surprised.

She removed his mask.

(Fanny): Catwoman??

(Me): Reset your mask, I just understood what you do! It is a role playing game, right??

She looked dejected.

(Fanny): You're stupid or what?? I am a Dominatrix, dominatrix men who deserve a correction!


(Me): I deserve a correction??

She Garoche his whip worse his mask on the sofa. She seemed to find me innocent. I did not like that.

(Fanny): is sado-masochism, Pat ... lets do worse, going in, you're just too stupid ... Pffff! Catwoman, you're an asshole.

sado-masochistic ... I had not realized. I

losing that girl, I had to say something bad that something had to be smart.

(Me): Listen to me, Little girl. Here I am in command, I am a man, i am a man , soy un hombre, a sono uomo, 私 は 男 です, jag är en man, homem Eu sou um ! If you want to sado-masochistic, you'll have the doors as masochist, not me. I am a great surgeon twice a respected restaurateur. You make me walk in Jaguar , fucking! You want it to work between us, you'll have to make concessions.

She shrugged and sighed.

(Fanny): Me, "little guy", I make no concession. I divorced my husband because he drank Pepsi and I love the Coke . I do not give a fuck of a surgeon who has a shabby restaurant, I am an independent woman, my ass must be earned, if you want my pussy, you will have ramps for the chance to touch her a bit. His speech

made me so hard on even before the end of his sentence was completely lying on the floor.

Fuck it.

This girl wanted a soft man, I was going to become one. She was the future mother of my future children to come, I had no choice but to bow ...

She finally smiled. But not a nasty smile ... a smile at Jack Nicholson in The shining .

She Crissé one boot in my mouth. I licked, licked worse ... worse licked.

She fucking naked whipped me some bad shots. I was wrong, but maaaaal!

But this girl was rich, was the price to pay for my old age.

She tied me to the base of his bed with handcuffs. I was stuck, kneeling floor, glued to the thorax his bed to make me hit the ass with a strap. She screwed a shot in the mouth, hair pulling, sandblasted the scrotum, pinching the nipples with clothespins, strangled the penis me worse all along, I was erect.

Not that it excited me all that, but I did not stop to think when I was finally able to kiss it.

(Fanny): Want to eat my pussy, worm?

Finally! Something more conventional!

(Me): It would change that to eat a fly!

It has hit my legs with a spatula.

(Fanny): Shows respect for Dominatrix! To punish you, that's all you have right now, shit bastard. I just eat the cat.

Aaaaaah, fuck!

( Sigh) ...

was still better than nothing.

She took a bottle of lube in his hands.

(Fanny): You really want to taste my pussy?

(Me): Yes, yes, yes, Dominatrix!

(Fanny): Really?

(Me): Yes, yes, yes, Dominatrix!

(Fanny): Under any condition?


She planted behind me. Wrists handcuffed to the bed, I could not see.

I heard the empty bottle of lubricant and a funny sound. Like a little tiny electric motor ...

( Silence) ...

I paid the price by sacrificing myself.

This girl must be my sweet-and-half, I deserve it. I have never gone so far to conquer a woman.

Fanny planted me a vibrator in the ass from behind ... I

suffered as ever, I even understand how people can get a penis in the hole. Crunches, I thought we plunged a sword into the intestines.

(Fanny): If you want eat my pussy, you gonna do with my vibrator in your anus.

(Me, teeth clenched really): Zominatrize Merz, es zu zrop Zonne!

She moved in front of me on the bed, spread her legs I licked worse, worse licked ... worse licked.

Having as background the sound of muffled vibrator.

( Another silence) ...

Fanny I learned something that night.

Oh yes ...

a man is willing to do heavy and painful sacrifices in the name of love.

* Photo:


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