Friday, July 31, 2009

Build Pool Ball Triangle

Fantasia 2009 - Day 15

CRIME OR PUNISHMENT?!? (2008) of Keralino Sandorovich ( Kazumi Kobayashi ).

A nice comedy funny with a superb timing for humor where many savory characters and the situations we are gaining incredible inevitable. It does not attempt to go far in adapting and so much better, keeping everything very light and very entertaining. Not an essential, but if you want to laugh, it's a choice of size.

NIGHTMARE DETECTIVE 2 (2008) Shinya Tsukamoto .

Tsukamoto returned to the charge to show us the second volume of his trilogy, which clearly divides the public greatly. You could see people leave the room over the film lasted. Indeed, this Following is diametrically opposed to the previous movie where you felt an intense and inventive Tsukamoto behind the camera while being more accessible. Was discovered in the second part an introspective Tsukamoto, not following any pre-established rules, adjust the shot to the psychological drama rather than horror. That said, we are entitled to moments of well-run scared and terrorized more deeply than simply jumping to a surprising image. Here is the magic of the entire company with exploration without nightmares that they are necessarily horrifying, but rather repetitive and obsessive. The film has no connection with the first part except the character of Nightmare Detective (Ryuhei Matsuda , fabulous), suffering with every breath, tormented by many demons. I left impressed and overwhelmed by its magnificent denouement. Without revealing anything, the memories of a mother through the eyes of a child magically move him, clearly demonstrating the talent of minimalist staging by director. So, a superb Tsukamoto perhaps not for everyone, but great if we agree to undertake it.

Next time: MY DEAR ENEMY , THE CHILDREN and Deadgirl .


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