Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Can Alcohol Mess Up Your Menstral

Fantasia 2009 - Day 6

INSTANT SWAMP (2009) by Satoshi Miki .

A lovely start to this new day at the festival: the new Satoshi Miki and, shame on me, I still have not seen her ADRIFT IN TOKYO who did so much warm talk with his inventiveness. Can be described this way because this new dose INSTANT SWAMP is simply magical, inventive and very funny while having fun with his characters endearing and charming. These wacky characters show us a world of a thousand surprises and continue to persevere in spite of the imagination to reality less fun. No length and charm complete success at all levels. Indulge.

change of course for the following program which is preceded by a short film: EXCISION (2008) by Richard Bates Jr. . A short and intense poetic EXCISION is a portrait of a suburban family where the youngest daughter for a lung transplant patient and see better days. A film filled with heartbreaking sweetness to the final copy when the last remaining moments in mind.

DREAD (2009) with Anthony DiBlasi .

The latest adaptation of Clive Barker and its BOOKS OF BLOOD , following the screening yesterday. Without hesitation, this is a top film, the more elaborate scenario, complete with engaging characters and intriguing story of a well run. It's also the news of Barker contains no supernatural element, anchoring everything in reality without forsaking a morbid and sinister side. DiBlasi managed to create a solid story around the news, having understood the tone and atmosphere of origin. If we do not know what the new one can not distinguish the full film that demonstrates the integration right in the world of Barker. Encouraging to discover that this component is done well: DiBlasi is in his directorial debut (also screenwriter here) and he already has another attack of new books, this time in the supernatural. We'll see if he is doing as well in the fantastic horror thriller, but this is a nice start in with the kind of effective moments.



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