Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bangor Maine Gay Hookups

Fantasia 2009 - Day 10

20TH CENTURY BOYS: CHAPTER TWO - THE LAST HOPE (2009) by Yukihiko Tsutsumi .

We're back for the second part, following the viewing yesterday and we are delighted once again by this adaptation of a manga epic about the end of the world and those wanting to prevent it. I admit I preferred the first part, but we plunge so enthusiastically in this sequel to the still numerous turnovers that lead all to places unknown, never forgetting the point of departure with the prophecies of the book and its authors . New characters are explored as the return of former (without revealing anything), continuing the fight against Friend and the cult he leads a cult that took on even greater significance. To my surprise, the more the film progressed, it sank and was discovered information that made me think how will be able to enter this huge story (again 140 minutes). Well, I had my answer: in the third and final part! Argh! I had no idea that this third album which we can see the trailer at the end of this second part. The film was released theatrically in Japan in late August ... I look forward to knowing the outcome, but I confess I'll be damned lost by viewing with the whole batch of information received in these first sections, besides the characters! We'll see when the time comes but now a series that's worth a look, as long as you want to invest the necessary time.

CRUSH AND BLUSH (2008) by Lee Kyoung-mi .

A charming comedy-drama that here with a good dose of laughter, without abandoning the drama so far. A certain magic in discovering deeper into the protagonist, initially amusing but unpleasant, indeed beautifully interpreted by Kong Hyo-jin . His evil plans for a married man fall in love will not go as planned, certainly. It comes out smiling and delighted.

THE HORSEMAN (2008) by Steven Kastrissios .

Steven Kastrissios manages to build a cruel revenge film with disastrous consequences, which fly with the consequences and different viewpoints. The determination of the protagonist is in question and that is precisely what gives the film a brute force. During the first part, the victims are piling up and it works, but a certain fatigue sets in and then she suddenly expelled with depth that is added to give food for thought in all this carnage. A staging computed efficiently and with a photograph of the claims are aided by the superb play of Peter Marshall , ripping the avenger blinded by events. A success story that does not fall into the facility and keeps in suspense until the last moment.

SMASH CUT (2009) of Lee Demarbre . Introducing the new

Lee Demarbre which I must confess not being the biggest fan. But now, we offer a tribute to Herschell Gordon Lewis featuring the brilliant David Hess we see too little, Michael Berryman and even pornographic film starlet Sasha Grey (Recently seen in THE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE of Soderbergh ). Especially since David Hess be present (as Demarbre and Grey), it gives the kick ass final to attend without fail. It begins with a generic exciting and there are some good ideas here and there, like funny sequences, but despite this power, it gets tired quickly. We are dealing with a fanboy film better than the vast majority, but it's still burdened by a lack of staging and inventiveness. Some say that this is the "homage" to the films of HGL, but his films had a certain charm and an infectious level of fun, addressing ideas pushed to the extreme whether successful or not. Lewis wanted to entertain, forbidding the artistic side that is not the point of view here. The staging and approximate static framing and storyline summaries surprisingly do nothing to save all the little inspiration. David Hess shines several times, bringing a little life in this disappointing picture, but itself is uneven and seems more fun on a platter to want to play. That may be the problem: The team seems to have been a lot of fun making this movie with a family atmosphere plateau, but the result is not contagious to the audience despite a few sequences where it works. So, a movie review for the curious wanting David Hess in a leading role (like me), but not essential.



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