Friday, July 31, 2009

Build Pool Ball Triangle

Fantasia 2009 - Day 15

CRIME OR PUNISHMENT?!? (2008) of Keralino Sandorovich ( Kazumi Kobayashi ).

A nice comedy funny with a superb timing for humor where many savory characters and the situations we are gaining incredible inevitable. It does not attempt to go far in adapting and so much better, keeping everything very light and very entertaining. Not an essential, but if you want to laugh, it's a choice of size.

NIGHTMARE DETECTIVE 2 (2008) Shinya Tsukamoto .

Tsukamoto returned to the charge to show us the second volume of his trilogy, which clearly divides the public greatly. You could see people leave the room over the film lasted. Indeed, this Following is diametrically opposed to the previous movie where you felt an intense and inventive Tsukamoto behind the camera while being more accessible. Was discovered in the second part an introspective Tsukamoto, not following any pre-established rules, adjust the shot to the psychological drama rather than horror. That said, we are entitled to moments of well-run scared and terrorized more deeply than simply jumping to a surprising image. Here is the magic of the entire company with exploration without nightmares that they are necessarily horrifying, but rather repetitive and obsessive. The film has no connection with the first part except the character of Nightmare Detective (Ryuhei Matsuda , fabulous), suffering with every breath, tormented by many demons. I left impressed and overwhelmed by its magnificent denouement. Without revealing anything, the memories of a mother through the eyes of a child magically move him, clearly demonstrating the talent of minimalist staging by director. So, a superb Tsukamoto perhaps not for everyone, but great if we agree to undertake it.

Next time: MY DEAR ENEMY , THE CHILDREN and Deadgirl .

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can I Get Dla For Osteoarthritis

Fantasia 2009 - Day 14

It draws from the vaults of the Film Society Film Society (see here) to start the day with rare screenings of projects.

THE BARN OF LOST TIME (1977) of Stéphane Dupuis & Battista Franco .

Shorts extremely rare where there are only three copies in 16mm, it was conquered quickly and have fun with this parody of B movies in the finals of the most funny, featuring a chicken radioactive giant! The animation frame by frame fabulously accomplished and a palpable love of this kind of cinema is felt at every level. Too bad it's so difficult to find.

THE WHITE REINDEER (1952) of Erik Blomberg . It

enchaine rare copies with this Swedish film out of the ordinary mixed myth of the werewolf and the vampire we present a formidable creature: a woman turning into white reindeer murderer. The whole thing sounds more individual, even ugly on paper, but the atmosphere made by winter locations and beautiful images complete our fill. The soundtrack and the charisma of the lady in question, Mirjami Kuosmanen , are also tasty items. A beautiful discovery that this tale which I was completely ignorant of the existence and I do not think the only one.

ORPHAN (2009) of Jaume Collet-Serra .

The naughty children are back on the big screen, a sub-genre where it is damn tasty. I expected nothing of it, except perhaps the worst, but ultimately you end up with a movie terribly effective in its moments of tension, unhealthy atmosphere in support. A few flaws here and there but nothing major that would ruin the pleasure of discovering the diabolical plans of this newcomer in the family. Interpreters are also quality, managing to pass a few times laughable dialogue, while forming a band very endearing. A surprisingly entertaining.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pineapple And Heartburn

Fantasia 2009 - Day 13

It starts quietly day after work with the presentation of the block of short films SMALL GAUGE TRAUMA , still dotted with interesting sights. It is humor that starts with THE BABY SONG SHREDDER ( 2008, David Avallone ), a short musical fun making fun without falling into the excesses of gore, unlike what the title might suggest imagine. Then it was the turn of FULL EMPLOYMENT ( 2008, Matthias Vogel & Thomas Oberlies ) that starts slowly and then unleashed in the second half to the delight of the room with the story top humor once the punch revealed. CONTROL ( 2009, Charles Spiteri ) starts slowly and gives some good ideas to the midway, but unfortunately without exploring them.

It then continues with one of the best of the lot, DEATH IN CHARGE (2009) of Devi Snively , a successful comedy with more than one surprise up his sleeve. A good staging makes you forget the little means, while successfully blending comedy, magic and horror. The Scavengers ( 2008, Cory Bowles ) is visually stunning and has a certain magic with these lugubrious young children accidentally falling on the corpse of a mermaid. We want more.

It continues with my favorite of the lot, RITE (2009) of Alicia Conway Revolving around the right of way of a particular girl, organized by his family. A sound work exquisite and innuendo sobering and allows the film to anchor itself in memory. The short of then MY LOVE LIVES IN THE SEWERS (2008) Handbook of Arji is interesting and fun by his bias toward the disgusting and body fluids, but tired despite its short duration. The black and white photography beautifully reflects the sticky side of the project.

is the turn of FALLOW (2009) by Dave Alexander & Colin Landry where we are heading to a rural aside to accomplish a specific property. The film has an aura of mystery joking, but really does not explore further the concept despite a good presentation of events. Maybe they are preparing a feature film with the same subject? Not uninteresting, but it leaves hungry. The following two short end the session quickly THE CHEST (2007) Can Evrenol Gorefest is a rather silly, stretching its length until the exhaustion of the desired effect and BOOB ( 2008, Honest ), ending on the fun with a breast implant doctors in terrorizing hospital. Fun.

FINE, TOTALLY FINE (2008), Yosuke Fujita . Magnificent film

sober enjoyable humor and endearing characters, forcing the joviality and good humor. Zany situations in which these characters evolve, charm every time, bringing sadness when practicing the final credits scroll: it is already late. Such a good time that ends quickly. Must see to cheer during a rainy day or simply to discover a beautiful pearl film.

is allowed THE CANYON fall, preferring to go, just to survive the rest of the festival.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Haemochromotosis And Eyes

Fantasia 2009 - Day 12

is dropped OROCHI , unfortunately, given the job of preventing travel-time and then launches into a double strand of the program pinku .

S & M HUNTER ( 1986, Shuji Kataoka ) starts the program with a sense of humor, does not annoying to insert a touch of madness when the opportunity presents itself. A film that entertains and whose shape is neat, charming by its excesses, but never forget the erotic side of the project. We also used a final mingling in mind tripped footage.

The dual program is continuing with YARIMAN ( 2008, Rei Sakamoto ), the latest film presented among pinku . It is easy to understand why the choice fell on it saw the great success that it is. Leaving sides political themes or comedy, we discover a interrelational drama about a couple on the decline. A former conquest of man, already adept adultery, resurfaces briefly and then died accidentally. This event will launch the couple, with the ashes of the deceased, searching for a suitable location for a funeral, the victim had no family. During this trip, the couple will certainly face their problems and visions of things. This may sound summary and some on paper, but the interpretation and staging enhances all to the sublime. Eroticism is also very present and effective in its frankness, its realism and sensuality. With such qualities, we want more of these unknown films here can make in our countries, the findings would be at the rendezvous.

LIFE IS HOT IN CRACKTOWN (2009) of Buddy Giovinazzo .

Giovinazzo comeback after ten years of absence since NO WAY HOME THE and UNSCARRED ! It is believed to be extinct as usual with projects difficult to mount, but I'm learning it actually is the author of novels and has lived for ten years in Germany where he made films for television. Well, I'd be curious to see those, but for now, we are entitled to an adaptation of one of his own novels, short stories, where characters are the focal point. We plunged back into a realistic world difficult where nothing is happy, just observe the daily life in an environment so meticulously unexplored. The setting gives way to the performers whose playing is impeccable high quality and this, from the whole party without exception. The result stands beautifully and takes an uncommon intensity during his final open to some accounts, leaving the viewer to continue the routine unsavory characters whose every action feels. We hope that the wait will not be too long to return to Giovinazzo on screens with a new project.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Victoria Secret Bra Leaks

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bangor Maine Gay Hookups

Fantasia 2009 - Day 10

20TH CENTURY BOYS: CHAPTER TWO - THE LAST HOPE (2009) by Yukihiko Tsutsumi .

We're back for the second part, following the viewing yesterday and we are delighted once again by this adaptation of a manga epic about the end of the world and those wanting to prevent it. I admit I preferred the first part, but we plunge so enthusiastically in this sequel to the still numerous turnovers that lead all to places unknown, never forgetting the point of departure with the prophecies of the book and its authors . New characters are explored as the return of former (without revealing anything), continuing the fight against Friend and the cult he leads a cult that took on even greater significance. To my surprise, the more the film progressed, it sank and was discovered information that made me think how will be able to enter this huge story (again 140 minutes). Well, I had my answer: in the third and final part! Argh! I had no idea that this third album which we can see the trailer at the end of this second part. The film was released theatrically in Japan in late August ... I look forward to knowing the outcome, but I confess I'll be damned lost by viewing with the whole batch of information received in these first sections, besides the characters! We'll see when the time comes but now a series that's worth a look, as long as you want to invest the necessary time.

CRUSH AND BLUSH (2008) by Lee Kyoung-mi .

A charming comedy-drama that here with a good dose of laughter, without abandoning the drama so far. A certain magic in discovering deeper into the protagonist, initially amusing but unpleasant, indeed beautifully interpreted by Kong Hyo-jin . His evil plans for a married man fall in love will not go as planned, certainly. It comes out smiling and delighted.

THE HORSEMAN (2008) by Steven Kastrissios .

Steven Kastrissios manages to build a cruel revenge film with disastrous consequences, which fly with the consequences and different viewpoints. The determination of the protagonist is in question and that is precisely what gives the film a brute force. During the first part, the victims are piling up and it works, but a certain fatigue sets in and then she suddenly expelled with depth that is added to give food for thought in all this carnage. A staging computed efficiently and with a photograph of the claims are aided by the superb play of Peter Marshall , ripping the avenger blinded by events. A success story that does not fall into the facility and keeps in suspense until the last moment.

SMASH CUT (2009) of Lee Demarbre . Introducing the new

Lee Demarbre which I must confess not being the biggest fan. But now, we offer a tribute to Herschell Gordon Lewis featuring the brilliant David Hess we see too little, Michael Berryman and even pornographic film starlet Sasha Grey (Recently seen in THE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE of Soderbergh ). Especially since David Hess be present (as Demarbre and Grey), it gives the kick ass final to attend without fail. It begins with a generic exciting and there are some good ideas here and there, like funny sequences, but despite this power, it gets tired quickly. We are dealing with a fanboy film better than the vast majority, but it's still burdened by a lack of staging and inventiveness. Some say that this is the "homage" to the films of HGL, but his films had a certain charm and an infectious level of fun, addressing ideas pushed to the extreme whether successful or not. Lewis wanted to entertain, forbidding the artistic side that is not the point of view here. The staging and approximate static framing and storyline summaries surprisingly do nothing to save all the little inspiration. David Hess shines several times, bringing a little life in this disappointing picture, but itself is uneven and seems more fun on a platter to want to play. That may be the problem: The team seems to have been a lot of fun making this movie with a family atmosphere plateau, but the result is not contagious to the audience despite a few sequences where it works. So, a movie review for the curious wanting David Hess in a leading role (like me), but not essential.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Gay Cruising In Birmingham Al

Fantasia 2009 - Day 9

20TH CENTURY BOYS - Chapter One (2008) by Yukihiko Tsutsumi .

A great epic with many characters, adapted from a manga though dense, giving a film with a lot of material and charm. Tsutsumi (The brilliant 2LDK ) managed to untangle it all and build engaging characters with an intriguing story with many turnovers. After 140 minutes, we had some fun and it is therefore for the rest of this inventive entertainment on the end of the world.


Another part of the fabulous film component on pinku , this erotic comedy worth a look for the dynamics of these amateur pornographers trying to earn their bread, bringing their equipment from city to city. The black and white is always careful and dotted with color sequences as was Gushing Prayer , leaving the more serious side of it for just creating endearing characters, adding of humor funny here and there (which while filming especially of an erotic film that ends in tragedy). A good viewing makes us want to see more on the big screen.

THE CHASER (2008) by Na Hong-jin .

We heard about it since its release (shame on me to leave Korea without dragging my DVD viewing) then why not indulge the big screen for the ultimate experience. The verdict: superb! The positive comments about him are justified. Here's one that keeps breath from beginning to end with a departure bloodcurdling by the cruelty of the murderer and the realistic tone of the company. The performers are fabulous, as Kim Yoon-Seok policeman turned pimp in that Ha Jeong-woo in serial killer giving chilling without overdoing it, as Seo Yeong-hee battered victim to a poor that it focuses quickly. The staging nerve and controlled works great, photography is impeccable and you come out beaten and impressed. A must- and one of the best of the festival. If you missed your chance to discover it on the big screen, Seville / E1 out on DVD Aug. 11 in Canada.

VAMPIRE GIRL VS. FRANKENSTEIN GIRL (2009) of Tomomatsu Naoyuki Nishimura and Yoshihiro .

All title, right? Are there any of hemoglobin? What a question! Jute it everywhere and no, I'm not exaggerating. At the slightest opportunity, they share the geysers. It's not a big surprise when you consider that the co-director Yoshihiro Nishimura is , maker par excellence and bloody special effects director TOKYO GORE POLICE . It falls into the craziest of humor with his recruiting vampire schoolgirl crush on Valentine's Day to the great detriment of the terrible Queen of the classes. This is war. And the blood flows. And sinks. Up to wonder if he will not run. It therefore ends with a fun and inventive entertainment at the carnage, while keeping the tone very light, if not to be repulsed by the level of hemoglobin displayed. At the festival, we still had a right to Q & A with hilarious Nishimura sharing his madness and his quirky humor with the public good warmed by the film.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Doctors Bubonic Plague Bird Bask

Fantasia 2009 - Day 8

Gushing Prayer: A 15 YEAR OLD PROSTITUTE (1971) by Masao Adachi .

Ah well shit. That's my accumulated fatigue decides to get excited during this visionnment epic and makes me nod. Cursed. Not an easy film with all its capabilities, nothing helps in fatigue. One of the highlights of the early films pinku , this is Gushing Prayer particularly interesting and successful, using black and white beautifully by dotting the result of passages in color (as is the custom at that time), while the scope worked well. The work is deconstructed and uses sex as a symbol of revolution and much more, depending on the point of view. A movie that had less appeal to salarymen looking for a lightweight and easy eroticism at the time, but a fascinating book to see and review.

BLOOD RIVER (2009) of Adam Mason .

Ouch! Why fatigue left me at that time? A DUST DEVIL poor with a lot of interpretations horrible, interminable dialogue does not help the cause and approximate staging for this project to religious background that never took off. We dare some ideas (one of the last scenes playing on the public's expectations), but it's too little to make a big interest unfortunately. With BROKEN correct and now this mediocre film, Mason still does not impress.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What Hair Dye Less Damages Your Hair

Fantasia 2009 - Day 7

THE CLONE RETURNS HOME (2009) of Nakajima .

A film by Japanese science fiction revolving around the stunning images of cloning: a recipe that's tempting, no? Unfortunately for me, this was mostly a disappointment. We are entitled to framing sublime, good performances, a photo management to dream, a proper soundtrack, but here, the description of the brain is rarely appropriate. I love movies and Clinical minimalist gray hues, but also has an emotional charge accompany the whole. Japanese cinema usually comes to pick me up on this side but this time it felt nothing from this or that movie that I cherish and it remained a very sad coldness, pretending to be a film card for the director. So we end up with a successful film by any standard form, but nothing more.

Before the next program, a short film of Javier Chillon , THE DISEASE SCHNEIDER (2008). Designed as a preventive and documentary film era, this short is still fun with its vintage look damn good.

Then you descend into the quality of the day with this MUTANTS ( 2009, David Morley ) agreed and terribly boring. The start is already unhappy with a boring character played badly, it reassures us that during his early death in minutes. Phew! We dodged a bullet ... but not really. The climate does not nervous, we were abruptly launches into this world and badly misrepresented the party, but we remain hopeful with all that fantastic French cinema has given us in recent years. The wait is long, nothing really exciting happens and then suddenly we have the introduction of new characters indicate the end of the little hope that survived so far. The killing is quite obvious and can not ever spell it: we are wasting our time. So the first real wave of the turnip horrific French. Too bad.

Next time: Gushing Prayer and BLOOD RIVER.

Can Alcohol Mess Up Your Menstral

Fantasia 2009 - Day 6

INSTANT SWAMP (2009) by Satoshi Miki .

A lovely start to this new day at the festival: the new Satoshi Miki and, shame on me, I still have not seen her ADRIFT IN TOKYO who did so much warm talk with his inventiveness. Can be described this way because this new dose INSTANT SWAMP is simply magical, inventive and very funny while having fun with his characters endearing and charming. These wacky characters show us a world of a thousand surprises and continue to persevere in spite of the imagination to reality less fun. No length and charm complete success at all levels. Indulge.

change of course for the following program which is preceded by a short film: EXCISION (2008) by Richard Bates Jr. . A short and intense poetic EXCISION is a portrait of a suburban family where the youngest daughter for a lung transplant patient and see better days. A film filled with heartbreaking sweetness to the final copy when the last remaining moments in mind.

DREAD (2009) with Anthony DiBlasi .

The latest adaptation of Clive Barker and its BOOKS OF BLOOD , following the screening yesterday. Without hesitation, this is a top film, the more elaborate scenario, complete with engaging characters and intriguing story of a well run. It's also the news of Barker contains no supernatural element, anchoring everything in reality without forsaking a morbid and sinister side. DiBlasi managed to create a solid story around the news, having understood the tone and atmosphere of origin. If we do not know what the new one can not distinguish the full film that demonstrates the integration right in the world of Barker. Encouraging to discover that this component is done well: DiBlasi is in his directorial debut (also screenwriter here) and he already has another attack of new books, this time in the supernatural. We'll see if he is doing as well in the fantastic horror thriller, but this is a nice start in with the kind of effective moments.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Best Ar 15 Cleaing Kit

Fantasia 2009 - Day 5

We begin this fifth day of the festival with a short film, HOLD YOUR FIRE (2008) by Wes Bencoter . Pictures misty breath and a heavy atmosphere are waiting for you, but not much to be put in the tooth. That said, a beautiful visual trip even more amazing on the big screen.

BOOK OF BLOOD (2009) of John Harrison .

Second Adaptation from BOOKS OF BLOOD of Clive Barker (the first being MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN of Ryuhei Kitamura) and we are served here in two new feature films. Unfortunately, even with the addition of equipment to put some meat on the bones, it does not. John Harrison, an old hand, veteran TV and especially the look of television, creating a product without a soul who dares nothing, do not mind and ends well certainly annoying. Everything revolves around a house haunted ... by boredom and the usual. Moments "scary" are all similar and telegraphed, you know: it starts with a whisper or suspect a child's voice distant and the protagonist tries to find the source to complete the sequence by jumpscare bogus leads that do no hand, being a false alarm. If done right, all right, if it's wired and repeated endlessly, unless it's going well ... In this case, if we can finally something with a time efficient, it finishes the job quickly to return as quickly as possible towards the calm, the boredom and the bland characters and agreed. Dialogues and staging complete kill enthusiasm brief. Where the climate is moved towards the end, where news is finally over, contributing ideas and a nightmarish atmosphere, but is unfortunately far too late and poorly supported by everything that has been witnessed before. Not necessarily one of the worst films adapted from Clive Barker only a by-product for the TV that is quickly forgotten after viewing longish.


A zany and inventive comedy-drama that goes in all directions, strewn with vulgar humor, to carry a touch of madness well taken. Several sequences of stop-motion animation is breathtaking with fabulous opening credits. However, delusions animation takes a lot of room and despite their success, they often stop the pace for too long which obviously breaks the mood of the film that is crazy to start each time. Well, at least the sequences are beautiful to watch. Otherwise, you end up with a charming and entertaining film with characters tinged with madness contagious adding a healthy dose of fun to the project. The humor is tasty and several jokes reach admirably and their targets for a movie where the protagonists are addicted to cookies experimental side effects of particular concern, we do not ask more than colorful entertainment.

Next time: INSTANT SWAMP and DREAD .