Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Polyps Seen On Mri Brain

Fantasia 2009 - Day 21 (end)

A short little amusing to start the evening: THE HIDDEN LIFE OF THE OWL BURROWING (2008) by Mike Roush . Mixture of live action and animation, we find ourselves right in the mockumentary funny story for this charming and very smart owl. The timing humor is exquisite and it is left with a smile well anchored.

TRICK 'R TREAT (2008) by Michael Dougherty .

then immersed in the pleasures of time on Halloween with this delightful anthology film and taking, always remaining as entertaining. I did not expect to like much, but we come here in the middle of the festivities, conducted with an obvious love of the feast of the dead. A very successful innovation for the movie skits where, for once, we do not find a story to start all the others, but the characters all connected and introduced at the outset. This technique works beautifully, never breaking the rhythm is a fresh start with characters unknown. We are heading toward the familiar rather deepening all the events taking place during this eventful Halloween night. Everyone has a preference for the various Stories where humor, creativity and are scared to go but now they are all charming. The uniformity and control of project surprises and never tires while in transit, unless you want to hide his pleasure. Contesting a very pleasant to taste October 31, mixing myths, monsters and contagious happiness.

INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS (2009) to Quentin Tarantino .

Well here we are: the surprise closing film of this year and not a small one. Intensive security to the projection is presented with the search of each person before entering the room, searching electronic equipment, removing the cell (a method that should be in order, hehe) and the whole lot like it. We congratulate the team of Fantasia to win time by having toured the queue before the time for such phones. This circus is completely understandable given the intense hacking, but by waiting through all that, you realize that unfortunately the situation where we have reached is very sad, metal detector in support, even more severe than a show of music. There are also bouncers on the side of the rows in the room, standing for the entire duration Film introducing the latest security level. Oh la la, what a great change we have ...

Let these thoughts with the cell and, after the awards ceremony of the festival and an enthusiastic presentation of Eli Roth, the lights fall to make way for new film by Quentin Tarantino , like every highly anticipated new album . A remake is announced by Tarantino, but we expect more of a complete reinvention despite the trailer leaving the ice, it does not capture the mood and with the limits of the pompous, we fear the worst. The verdict after this projection: fantastic!

I think that this is my favorite director. We'll see over time, but now, it comes out impressed. I'm not a big fan of Tarantino finished, still enjoying his good and bad, and that before this, my favorite was the very complete and very underestimated JACKIE BROWN . Here we come with a work accomplished, mature, accurate and devilishly effective. Tarantino forces are put forward and serve the scenario beautifully. His dialogues are sometimes criticized as too long or too referential, slowing the narrative just for fun in some of his films (including his DEATH PROOF , victim Critics of this kind, with good reason), but not this time. All serve the story and having a Nazi agent talking to achieve their purposes and whether you're a traitor, nothing more nervous and brilliance to continue dialogues with superbly constructed, reinforced by a direction of actors and copy staged intensive and controlled.

Being a Tarantino, music has always been a big part at times, but here we do not forget the terrible efficiency of silence where the tension is palpable and that's good. The incredibly precise and tight editing is also an element of size in favor film at a point where I was surprised at the appearance of the final credits so the experience takes place rapidly, despite its 152 minutes and an hour later.

The film is presented in several chapters, a technique well used, never tires while pushing the events from chapter to chapter where many characters are gathered for the grand final breathtaking. Through this story of war, you feel a love of cinema that quickly became contagious, accentuated by the almost constant presence of posters or craftsmen of this art in the film.

One point to be widely decried upon its release: the film is half to three quarters or otherwise subtitled! He had the balls to do that with today's market, particularly in the United States. If a popular filmmaker could create a work of the kind that would force the stodgy subtitle to have a try, it's Tarantino. We wish success. The film is in German, French and English, I did not know any details such as the presence of Melanie Laurent , delicious in one of the leading roles. Not to mention Brad Pitt impressive jaw that brings a humorous tasty (flirting with caricature in the trailer, but wait for the finished project before judging). Of course, the extraordinary performance Christoph Waltz be emphasized: it is simply amazing.

Surprises All in all, with a recovery period to salivate for its majestic scenery, especially at its end. Really, a surprisingly successful and enjoyable from Tarantino. I already want to see him again ...


Well here is the end of Fantasia 2009, a busy year. We finally found the nights full and provided better food, but the discoveries will be missed soon. As in previous years, here's my ballot in the price of the public to close the table:

Best Asian Film: BREATHLESS of Yang Ik-june .
Best International Film: THE HORSEMAN of Steven Kastrissios .
Best Feature Film Quebecers WITHOUT PURPOSE of Caroline Labreche and Steve Leonard .
Best Animated Film: ---
GURU Award for the film's most energy: INSTANT SWAMP of Satoshi Miki . Film
most innovative: LOVE EXPOSURE of Sion Sono .
Best Documentary: HORROR GRAPHIC SEXUAL of Barbara Bell and Anna Lorentzon .
Best Short Film: ELSE of Thibault Emin .

forward to the next year!


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