Monday, August 17, 2009

How To Make Floating Boats That Can Hold Pennys

Fantasia 2009 - Day 19

BEST WORST MOVIE (2009), Michael Stephenson .

Having dropped the projection TROLL 2, I had to at least go take a look at this curious documentary, produced by the youngster's cult film, Michael Stephenson . We show that TROLL 2 is primarily a shameful remembrance for members of the cast who, with time and development of film in the cult movie, rediscovering all in a festive fun, making memories less shameful that at commencement. A special bond is formed between the film in question, the fans and players now acclaimed by those fans, all leads recognition of this fun turnip forgotten by many of its participants. Through this documentary, we follow the path George Hardy (the father in the film) now dentist, tinged with a good nature and a contagious joie de vivre, which in turn discovers the cult behind TROLL 2 and jumping in with both feet at the chance to play in turning the spotlight .

Addressing several themes with this starting point, BEST WORST MOVIE reveals a human and touching portrait by different perspectives (including the less joyful Claudio Fragasso , director always proud of his work), up to the inevitable end and the negative of this whole charade. The film works largely through Hardy, engaging and charismatic bon vivant always smiling, ready to share his experiences with anyone who will listen. A beautiful exploration of the world of cult film, its participants and its fans, fanatics or not, without having to know TROLL 2 on the fingertips.

Before the next main program Glass Eye Pix , we present THE VIEWER (2009) by Graham Reznick , experimenting with film format 3d traditional (with red and blue glasses). A successful film with 3D effects very effective, forcing the admiration many times. We are the subject of a test in several steps, of course, increase the level of 3d destabilizing. These particular effects, we learn the operation during Q & A with the director who tells us have experimented with the format standards in playing with the distances between the cameras. Well, a good result here is that impressive.

I SELL THE DEAD (2008) by Glenn McQuaid .

anthology film early, a tribute to the cinema Hammer and Amicus , in addition to the classic Universal , we are left with the first feature film by Glenn McQuaid following his short THE RESURRECTION APPRENTICE ( 2005). It continues the adventure with the characters of Willie Grimes played by the talented Larry Fessenden (you know me great admirer), also a producer, and his apprentice Arthur Blake (Dominic Monaghan ) by robber of corpses. Many of their adventures are told in flashbacks while Blake is waiting patiently for his killing. Despite some lengths, the look and humorous we earn with very funny moments where the humor works perfectly, administering well-deserved laughs. Some stories work better than others but all have a charm that amuses the lugubrious pleasure visible performers and the staging in this direction. A very pleasant entertainment that demonstrates the level of quality and diversity of Glass Eye Pix which accumulates interesting projects.

Next time: LEFT BANK and NEIGHBOR.


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