Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Creativect4780 Driver Win 7

Fantasia 2009 - Day 20

ELSE (2007) of Thibault Emin .

It starts the day with a very good short film and photography and worked at the sinister atmosphere releasing a heavy side and intriguing in this post-apocalyptic landscape intimate. It focuses on a couple engages in the development of a typical virus that devastated world where the transformation is far from pleasant. One of my favorite short of the festival.

LEFT BANK (2008) by Pieter Van Hees .

first feature film for Pieter Van Hees, who had surprised her crazy BLACK XXX-MAS in the past and the first impression is that of a mature filmmaker ever since. The climate introduces a haunting mystery sustained during the entire film with Eline Kuppens whose playing is impressive. It falls into the grim and the various conspiracies but despite an inventive denouement and interesting, the film fails to captivate completely, remaining a mere curiosity and effective moments after a bit fuzzy ideas and agreed.

NEIGHBOR (2009) by Robert Masciantonio .

is continued with this horrible piece arrives empty and ridiculous that tests the patience of the viewer, not by the presence of gore "daring" and shocking, but rather by the whole to be invalid causing the spread of bearings eyes endless. America Olivo , silly protagonist, is breathtaking in its posturing painfully exaggerated, convinced of his game yet inexistent and void, a lack of charisma in support to add to the annoyance of the show stupid. It is clear that the idea of a beauty well pimpée a serial killer was the first excitement, but even at its most basic, it falls flat. In addition to acting skills leave much to be desired (only Lauren Rooney manages to inject a bit of sympathy), the staging does nothing to address the whole. There is even a moment of reverie while stretching wanting "fun" and destabilizing, but poorly conducted successfully added the grotesque confusion more than anything else. Otherwise, yes we can say that the gore effects are nice and efficient, but to endure such a film for so little juvenile buffoonery constitutes torture. Damage, with Q & A after the film with much of the friendly team, we practice it wants to have nothing good to say the project, but at least finish the evening trade on a better note ... Ouch!

Next time: the grand finale with TRICK 'R TREAT and INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS !


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