Monday, May 31, 2010

How Much Isnasal Polypectomy

The price for a super rich girl

Saturday evening, 23h.

The phone rang a bell ...

(Me): Yes allo?

(Female): Dr. Duval?

(Me): Huh??

(Girls): It Fanny.

A ghost!

(Me): Wow ... I expected more for your call.

(Fanny): Takes a pencil and paper, it is thirty seconds.

(Me): Huh??

(Fanny): Come join me at 2155 ...

I took a pencil and an empty package of Oh Henry! worse I noticed the address.

(Fanny): You're twenty minutes to arrive.

(Me): But ... but I'm not even dressed, I'm watching TV in string. Give me forty minutes.

(Fanny): You have twenty minutes otherwise forget the fuck.

She hung up.

When a girl tells me about the other sex fuck, I have no trouble getting motivated ...

In three minutes thirty-two seconds, I was showered, dressed in a suit Versace, combed, scented and clean shaven. It is well known, a bearded scrotum is never a good first impression. After a decade of ten years of marriage they're fucking but then, it was a new date ...

Pis a date important. This girl, I had to impress, she had to become my wife. It's not every day we have the opportunity to put the grappling hook on a rich girl.

I was to dominate, show him who was master to show him that I am a real man. Women love guys who have leadership, a solid column, big balls.

Not in the literal sense, obviously. This

Fanny thought I was plastic surgeon, successful restaurateur, rich, educated, influential, dominating ...

I had to continue to play the game, it seemed to work, after all, she reminded me.

I arrived in a posh neighborhood, I found the place thanks to the address between a peanut caramel worse, it was a condo building. I thought so because it gave me an apartment number.

I rang the front door of the building, the door opened automatically. I took a lift, I got the third.

Twenty minutes flat.

The door was open loft Fanny. I was stunned by the scene, it stank cash.

(Fanny): Shut the door!

I looked around, I saw not Fanny. I closed the door and I walked into the loft.

In the back of the room to my right, she stood staring at me with a pair of eyes not very nice ... She was dressed

a black leather bikini, a pair of black knee boots, a whip of a worse kind of mask as Catwoman .

Seriously ... I almost starting to laugh.

(Me): Fanny?

(Fanny): SHUT UP!

Ok ..

She approached me, went around looking at me menacingly.

(Fanny) : Lie on the floor, a slave.

What the fucking fuck??

had Catwoman claws out!

(Me): Uhh ... It is your own floor?

She slammed violently whip in a vacuum.


I had two choices:

- bow before me this hysterical look like a molasson.
- Send it shit and looking like a man.

Of course, there was also the option to ask her what she was playing quietly, but that I thought about it until the next day.

I chose the second option.

I know, I know ... you're not surprised.

(Me): You're mad , crunches?? You make me lie down not your fucking floor!

She gave another boost, but this time on me! She tore my shirt and showed me a gash on the belly of six inches! I


(Me): Ouch! My fucking dumb, it's a shirt three hundred bucks!

She approached her face an inch from mine.

(Fanny, too threatening): If you lie down right away, your shirt will be in tatters in seconds.

Ok! I came to understand, they played a role play. I did not know exactly why she did that, but I decided to play the game

(Me): Batman never sets on a floor. I refuse Catwoman!

There, she was surprised.

She removed his mask.

(Fanny): Catwoman??

(Me): Reset your mask, I just understood what you do! It is a role playing game, right??

She looked dejected.

(Fanny): You're stupid or what?? I am a Dominatrix, dominatrix men who deserve a correction!


(Me): I deserve a correction??

She Garoche his whip worse his mask on the sofa. She seemed to find me innocent. I did not like that.

(Fanny): is sado-masochism, Pat ... lets do worse, going in, you're just too stupid ... Pffff! Catwoman, you're an asshole.

sado-masochistic ... I had not realized. I

losing that girl, I had to say something bad that something had to be smart.

(Me): Listen to me, Little girl. Here I am in command, I am a man, i am a man , soy un hombre, a sono uomo, 私 は 男 です, jag är en man, homem Eu sou um ! If you want to sado-masochistic, you'll have the doors as masochist, not me. I am a great surgeon twice a respected restaurateur. You make me walk in Jaguar , fucking! You want it to work between us, you'll have to make concessions.

She shrugged and sighed.

(Fanny): Me, "little guy", I make no concession. I divorced my husband because he drank Pepsi and I love the Coke . I do not give a fuck of a surgeon who has a shabby restaurant, I am an independent woman, my ass must be earned, if you want my pussy, you will have ramps for the chance to touch her a bit. His speech

made me so hard on even before the end of his sentence was completely lying on the floor.

Fuck it.

This girl wanted a soft man, I was going to become one. She was the future mother of my future children to come, I had no choice but to bow ...

She finally smiled. But not a nasty smile ... a smile at Jack Nicholson in The shining .

She Crissé one boot in my mouth. I licked, licked worse ... worse licked.

She fucking naked whipped me some bad shots. I was wrong, but maaaaal!

But this girl was rich, was the price to pay for my old age.

She tied me to the base of his bed with handcuffs. I was stuck, kneeling floor, glued to the thorax his bed to make me hit the ass with a strap. She screwed a shot in the mouth, hair pulling, sandblasted the scrotum, pinching the nipples with clothespins, strangled the penis me worse all along, I was erect.

Not that it excited me all that, but I did not stop to think when I was finally able to kiss it.

(Fanny): Want to eat my pussy, worm?

Finally! Something more conventional!

(Me): It would change that to eat a fly!

It has hit my legs with a spatula.

(Fanny): Shows respect for Dominatrix! To punish you, that's all you have right now, shit bastard. I just eat the cat.

Aaaaaah, fuck!

( Sigh) ...

was still better than nothing.

She took a bottle of lube in his hands.

(Fanny): You really want to taste my pussy?

(Me): Yes, yes, yes, Dominatrix!

(Fanny): Really?

(Me): Yes, yes, yes, Dominatrix!

(Fanny): Under any condition?


She planted behind me. Wrists handcuffed to the bed, I could not see.

I heard the empty bottle of lubricant and a funny sound. Like a little tiny electric motor ...

( Silence) ...

I paid the price by sacrificing myself.

This girl must be my sweet-and-half, I deserve it. I have never gone so far to conquer a woman.

Fanny planted me a vibrator in the ass from behind ... I

suffered as ever, I even understand how people can get a penis in the hole. Crunches, I thought we plunged a sword into the intestines.

(Fanny): If you want eat my pussy, you gonna do with my vibrator in your anus.

(Me, teeth clenched really): Zominatrize Merz, es zu zrop Zonne!

She moved in front of me on the bed, spread her legs I licked worse, worse licked ... worse licked.

Having as background the sound of muffled vibrator.

( Another silence) ...

Fanny I learned something that night.

Oh yes ...

a man is willing to do heavy and painful sacrifices in the name of love.

* Photo:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When Is A Record Of Employment Required


The blog is quiet for some time for the same reason that the usual (lack of time), but here I could not pass up the opportunity to wish a happy birthday to my director favorite Jess Franco, who celebrates his 80th birthday today! Happy Birthday Jess! I hope he can bring to the screen yet many of his obsessions!

And if you do not know, PAULA-PAULA , his most recent film (packed with a great soundtrack by Friedrich Gulda) is available since February at the following address: http://www.paula- / An experimental film from Jess, being more focused on ambience and psychedelic images almost hallucinatory, all inspired and worn by that music. You can see a small video of Franco on the site and even more on the DVD itself. A raconteur of the highest caliber, you never get bored of hearing about movies.

It should also not forget the exit very upcoming LORNA, THE EXORCIST on DVD from Mondo Macabro of . Here's one that I highly recommend. This is one of my favorites of this genius and I would drool all restored him again, after so many years dreaming about. I leave you with the cover of this edition to be released on June 29 ... Mark your calendar!