Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Do You Create A Plastic Bottle Cap Bracelet?

Jess Franco, Robert De Nesle .... and Pete Tombs?

This blog often sleeps at the same times each year. Whether by my sudden lack of enthusiasm, lack of time daily or too many projects designed at the same time which, given the second reason, probably never will be completed or if not in many moons ... But then, I always come back to life a little when I find the time or at different events causing excessive enthusiasm.

A recent news story sparked such enthusiasm and it owes it to Pete Tombs and Andy Starke Mondo Macabro of , DVD label out of the ordinary that still manages to find attractive securities. This time it's an event. We had expected more.

I wrote some time ago about the white night dedicated to Jess Franco at the Cinémathèque québécoise ( here) which proposed a new version on the market video of the film THE OBSCENE MIRROR (See more here ) presented in glorious 35mm. It was a discovery under several points ... Well now this film is part of the productions of French Film Desk of Robert De Nesle for which the distribution was not available on the market for DVD because of rights and very little on the VHS market (let alone Version respected). All productions of Nesle incubation it had the same fate and remains a problem ...

We continued to hope in vain for years that the securities would fall from the sky at one time or another. Then, last weekend, Tombs announced after three years of the negotiations came in 2010 Franco 70 - The De Nesle Years Vol. 1-3. No titles to sink your teeth yet, but WOW! What a surprise! It's time to party regardless of the titles. Speculation begins ...

Two days ago, Mondo Macabro confirmed the titles of these three volumes: LORNA THE EXORCIST (one of my favorites), THE DIARY OF a nymphomaniac and COUNTESS PERVERSE (where j 'had even mounted a DVD with the existing version most faithful to the wishes of Franco, but far from original).

It is not surprising, however, this selection all three are favorites of Pete Tombs and more. Mondo Macabro DVD release is hoped that these will be the beginning of a long list of titles, which multiplies even more enthusiasm. Especially as done by them, we can expect a quality treatment done with great respect. Finally!

If all goes well, the first volume will point the nose in May. It's still far, but it's nothing compared to waiting for it before with the despair of not perhaps never see movies in a user friendly version, let alone a version without censorship.

That day is coming ....


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