Sunday, June 21, 2009

Small Circular Rash On Stomach And Breast


interview with Henri Dubreuil Tuesday, September 15 on the FCR
"Vendée yesterday and today "
the story of Gregory and Gregory of Fort Châtillon
TV VENDEE" the Abbey Trizay unveiled.

You have been between 2500 and 3000 people to cross the threshold of the door of the Abbey Trizay. We were moved by your looks, respectful and profound, we are still affected how could we imagine that all this ...
Tuesday, 21 we travel again this monastery and we will meet again in the queue is perpendicular to the facade, the front door of the convent building è XVIII, no irritation, of tender respect, the wait was beautiful like a prayer, an offering to life, I find you beautiful and dignified, I see you again, you m ''ve learned from you is that I receive from your presence calm and soothed.
It is 1:30 am when I write, the silence of the night envelope the Abbey, despite this, I'll see you in the cloister in broad daylight, the picture does not leave me, a light was installed, something has been awakened again, how fortunate for those monks ... where they will live again, find joy to offer hospitality, I hope for peace, I would like that. I saw some visitors, beings leave happy, full of hope and peace, how is this possible? The site brings together resources and you are proof.
Sunday late afternoon, a moment of madness, I dared not do so, an old wooden box on the cover: "For the birth of the Association of Friends of Abbey Trizay. The body is wonderful, we become accountable for our commitments, people are waiting, we can not disappoint them, they advance ahead.
Today, this afternoon, a letter in memory of the abbey, of this beautiful day Sunday, and most importantly, This mother died four weeks ago, in memory of the person who loved his children, who left us, I hope, happy, a gesture, a major donation to the abbey, yet another reason for my light insomnia.
On my left at this office, a guest book that I dared to open. Sixteen pages of encouragement, appreciation, impressions live ... What blast!
That ties and faith in these stones, we become more responsible ...
I do not know how to thank you, it seems disproportionate, so you gave us by your presence, your beautiful serene presence and confident.
is absolutely moving.
We will walk together.
I will answer each and every one, thank you with all my heart, we will meet.

3:00 am, Wednesday, September 21, silence and stars extend forcefully in our sleep. Silent Night.

Patrick Cottencin.


At the dawn of my memories and salt water soften my skin ...

Bach's music as an expectation ... ...

The wind, the waves rise along with the soul ....

The brutality of men, our prayers to his knees in the soft clay ...

The colors are born of the moment, the time where my heart is fulfilled s'irrigue a saltwater ...

Peace ... Peace our offered ... ...

In appreciation for calm after the storm coming and the love that form, the space between humans ...

Before Abbey Trizay , a butt of fire ignites discrete air. The monks are still present, they sing of love and light every day, every day they sang for us ...


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